Mystery Girl - Chapter Ten

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A/N - Another chapter I am enjoying this story it's not as long as some chapters but longer than the last which I hope you enjoyed it because I am trying my best here to make it one of my best stories ever! :D By the way the chapter title has two different meaning's which you will get in two of the chapters that is in the chapter but there it's also got another POV. in it so I hope you enjoy!


Mystery Girl

Chapter Ten - What? 'Pick me up at Six'

Bailey's POV.

I was looking after Libby it's all I seem to do anymore once I get home from school mum would be gone within the next half an hour, I would have to make me and Libby dinner I couldn't go out with my friends without bringing Libby along and I had to get all my homework done whilst cleaning the house and going out shopping for food so we could actually eat it's like she didn't want us anymore.. you may think I am over-reacting but what else could I think, for over three months she hasn't been at home properly, Libby keeps asking for her and what am I supposed to say 'Sorry Libby but I don't know where mummy is because I don't think mummy wants us anymore?' No I couldn't tell my three year old sister that it would crush her.

Hell.. it's crushing me I want my mum, now I seem like a little child wanting there mother but it's true, I miss her cooking, I miss when once a week when Libby was sleeping we would watch a film together, a load of junk food and just talk about everything she was my best friend besides Melanie of course and it sounds so sad but I don't feel like it anymore.

If she's got herself a new boyfriend I wouldn't mind I would be happy especially with what Dad put her through but she's acting like a teenager, acting like were not her responsibility, acting as if she doesn't care or love us.

"Bailey?" I look in the direction of my bedroom doorway where I see Libby rubbing her eyes and yawning "Libby what are you doing up your supposed to be in bed" I sigh knowing what she was goign to say next "I had a nightmare" she pouts making me want to laugh instead I sigh and pick her up, homework forgotten since it wasn't due in to monday and it was thursday night I lay her down on my bed "I will be back in a few minutes I am just going to get changed" I kiss the top of her head before heading into the bathroom and quickly getting ready for bed and my bag packed for tomorrow before getting into bed with Libby her was sleeping. Typical I think to myself.

Melanie's POV. (Few Hours Earlier)

"What?" I whisper to Brayden looking him dead in the eye, how can he say something like that how can he say he is Bailey's half-brother "Your Bailey's and Libby's brother? But.." he cuts me off "It was before he married her mum and before they started dating, they got married after a couple months of dating they fell in love, he was a one night stand before all this happened and then Bailey's mum found out she was pregnant and I guess you know the rest about our dad cheating on her mum"

"Is this some sort of joke?" I demand from him, I watch as he throws his head back and laughs "It's not joke I'm there older brother"

Cameron's POV.

"Pick me up at six" she winks strutting off I have been told Hailey is my mystery girl, would Bailey lie to me? I have to find out and if going on a date with Hailey is what it takes, I'm willing to do what it takes to find out the truth.

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