Chapter 6

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In the past 3 weeks Tess has filled me in on everything that has happened. I haven't seen her for a month now. All of her soldiers have come back but she told Tess she needed more time there to finish little things. Posaco went to help a week ago. Supposedly June and Posaco are like brother and sister. I find it sweet how he stepped up and supported her. From what Tess told me June would work long hours and train really hard just to forget. Forget What we had. Forget the pain. Tess seemed calm when she told me the rest of what happened in June's life. It was pleasing that she was better, happier. When Tess told me about her and Anden, my stomach clenched in jealousy. I know I had no right to be jealous but it just came to me after all we've been through and she moves on. It took Tess nearly an hour of begging for me to understand that at least someone loved her while I wasn't there to do it.
I get cut out of my thoughts when the loud wiz of and airship is becoming more and more deafening. Finally she's back, is my first thought. The airship gradually descending (to slowly for my liking) until it comes to a complete stop. I inhale a deep breath than exhale slowly. getting rid of all the nerves in the pit of my stomach. I dint know why I'm so nervous its June I remind myself. Only June. But if it's only June than why is it so hard to talk to her. If it's only June why do my knees buckle up when I see her. If it's only June- my thoughts get cut off yet again but now in a pleasing way or I could say by a beautiful woman. Now that I remember I compare her to when we were only teenagers, fighting for our deceased family and the generations after us. She looks more beautiful than ever. I must be grinning like an idiot when I see her laughing at what I'm guessing is a joke Posaco told. In this moment I don't want to tell her I remember because I feel like it will wipe the smile right off her face.

HEY! I'm am so sorry for not updating I have had a lot going on lately! If you would like to know these things include
-watching every documentary on Mt Everest on YouTube
- lots of big projects for school
-school in general
- family and friendship issues
I know I always give excuses but I haven't been inspired (writing and photography wise 😔). I am thinking about writing an original story and I may need your help. ALSO last thing I am still looking for new names and now a new cover! Please if you have any ideas DM me!! If you guys want it to be a contest to make it more fun or competitive just comment I look at every comment so don't be afraid (even if it's constructive criticism)


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