Chapter 3

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     I throw my tennis shoe on the door mat than walk back and join the grouping the living area. Posaco is slouched on the couch getting a stern talking to by Tess, Eden is sitting on the yellow chair smirking at them and Day is sitting on the second yellow chair confused, probably still compounding how old Tess is, who Posaco is and why Eden is smirking, I lean against the doorframe looking at our little group.

     "Do you understand?" I overhear Tess ask Posaco like he is a small child. 

     "Okay, Okay break it up you two" I say arms outstretched ready to separate the two further than they already are. Tess looks up at me than releases that we never got to properly greet each other so she reaches up and hugs me tightly.

     "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNE!" she yells in my ear.

     "Tess you need to learn that when I'm five inches away from you you can use your hospital library voice." I say joke glaring at her. She shakes her head and laughs.

      "So dinner?" she asks smiling widely at me.

     "Thank you" Posaco says dramatically throwing his hands in the air. I shake my head and sigh. Tess leads us to the dining area where there is a wide assortment of food set out beautifully. 

     " Tess- this looks exquisite. Thank you! I say hugging her for the second time tonight. We all sit down around the table, Tess and Posaco sitting across from each other, Eden sitting across from me and Day sitting on my right. 

      "Tess did I tell you that there  is a huge case that they need my assistants with in Denver."

     "When are you leaving and how long will you be gone?" Tess questions.

     "I leave in Sixty-two hours and forty-eight minutes and I will be gone only for a week. But for the sixty-two hours and forty-eight minutes there is a crew to prep me for that week and who I will be undercover as." I say. Tess rolls her eyes probably at how precise I always am, I smile innocently at her. Day looks between us with a confused look on his face for the second time tonight. 


     "Dinner was astounding Tess, thank you" 

     "Oh June, you know I love to cook no problem!" Tess says energetically. 

     "So, I'll see you in a week and two days?" I question to her. 

     "going so soon?" Posaco jokes. 

     "I have an early morning" I say a little to harshly.

     "You should have an escort home." Tess says nodding her head slightly towards Day. 

     "I will do just fine on my own." 

    "What about that time at the hospital when the Colonies soldier attacked you from behind and he was about to hit you over the head with his gun when I hit him with a rifle, knocking him out?" she questions. 

    "I was seventeen" I say joke annoyance creeping into my voice. 

    "Still June what if that happenes with more men and no one is there to aid you" she says raising her eyebrows. 

    "Fine" I sigh giving up. I know if I didn't Tess would keep pestering me until I finally give in. 

     I am really struggling right now so please expect slowish updates. Also school is going to start in 2 weeks so updates will be even slower. I am super sorry about that. I promise that as fast as possible (while always making at least 500 words) before school starts. Thank you!


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