5. Nightmare

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Jade's P.O.V

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. This was the worst night of my life. No scratch that. This is undoubtedly the worst day of my life. Of all the heartaches, pain- enduring, unfortunate events that have occurred, this is undeniably the worst.

It's like my nightmares have become reality, but a hundred times more terrifying and stomach - turning than the horrendous visions that up until this day, had remained a nightmare.

When I somehow escape, I'm going to give Logan so much grief that he will never ever abandon me for whatever pointless activity he is participating in. How could he had not heard my ear-splitting scream? And where was mum and dad, surely they should have been home by now? Or maybe, they returned after my unbelievably loud scream? God knows.

When the so-called burglar unveils his identity, he'll wish he was never born, honestly. I'll bloody use his face as a punching bag. Im pretty sure that by then I'll be a professional boxer, haha, *evil laugh*.

I need to escape and fast. This is the perfect opportunity, will I survive or will I die? What about if I don't make it safely, I'll be in so much trouble. But then again, everything is at stake so of course I'll have to die trying. The unknown burglar - well he's not actually a burglar because he hasn't stolen anything as of now, but I guess you never know.

Okay so I'm just going to get this over and done with so I can put an end to this never-ending nightmare. The only difference is, is that it's not a nightmare, it's reality. And if I don't do something about it, I might never have the chance to resolve this messy situation ever again.

I've got to do something before it's too late.

Will I make it in time?

Okay so this is chapter five. I know you don't have a clue about what happened to Jade but don't worry because this is what I've planned. And also you may have noticed that there was no speech but I promise the next chapter will be considerably long, there will be lots of speech and you'll find out exactly what happened to Jade.  

Thank you for reading people. Also please comment if you spot any mistakes so I can correct it immediately, to ensure Jade's Story is the best it possibly can be!

Sara Xx

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