Author's Note

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Hello wonderful readers of Jade's Story!

Firstly, I would like to thank all those who took the time to read my story. It really means a lot and I really do appreciate your efforts!

I would also like to thank HurricaneElla for her awesome advice and her fantastic editing work. You rock girl!

Since this is the first ever story I'm actually planning to complete an the first ever story I'm sharing on Wattpad, your comments and votes would be very much appreciated. Your votes would mean the world to me and your comments would ensure I improve my writing skills, much to your advantage. Cos' wouldn't you rather read something exceptionally good than something demonically unmentionable?

The choice is yours...

Another thing I would like to mention is that I might upload chapters later than expected or later than you may have wanted, but I'm sorry if that does happen. However, if I know I'm going to be busy on a particular date, I'll definitely let you know in advance.

If you have any questions or concerns, fire away by either commenting on my story or by simply inboxing me. Either way is fine by me!

Thanks again to everyone.

Keep writing you awesome people and keep reading!

Peace out,



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