Chapter 7: Why do you care?

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Chapter 7: Why do you care?

Ethan's POV

"So, you like Jessie huh?" Sean said.

"What?Jessie. No way. We're just really good friends."

"That's what they alway say." Ben said.

"Why would you guys care if I did like her anyways?"

"NOTHING." They Sean and Ben said. I could tell they're hiding something from me. It says it all over Ben's face. Harris looked at me then we both looked at the two and we both could tell they were hiding something. So we nodded and casted a spell on them to make them confess.

"We know you have a secret and sooner or later you'll have to tell. How about now with this truth-"

"Wait." I said.

"What?" he asked.

"We're not allowed to use Truth Spells at the Academy. If we get caught, we could get in trouble." I explained then we say them trying to escape.

"NOT SO FAST!" I yelled getting the both of them using a spell.

"The Academy won't allow us to use truth spells but it didn't say anything about torture spells." Harris said.

"You're right! Tickling Spells!"

"WHAT! Those are the worst!" Ben yelled.

"Then confess!" we both said. He looked at Sean and Sean said no. I let Sean go and focused on Ben. I know tickling spells won't work on him and it looks like Ben is keeping the secret for him.

"Ben Tell me why you guys care if I like Jessie!"

"Wait. Dude, why do you care if they care if you like Jessie?" Harris asked.

"I don't I was just curious." I said putting Ben down.

"Sorry guys. Anyways, I should go now. Come on Harris." I said, "Jessie, Emily and I are gonna do some research tomorrow when we have some free time." I added before Harris and I walked away.

Ben's POV

"You ok?" I asked Sean

"Yeah, Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because I know you like Jessie."

"What? I don't."

"Then why did you tell me that you liked her like 20 minutes ago."

"I didn't. I said my favorite celebrity is Julia Antonelli and that Jessie looks like her."

"Dude, that basically means, you like Jessie."

"You better keep your mouth shut." he said before he casted a spell on me to start floating then walked away.


"Do it yourself. Just think of it as me helping you practice."


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