Chapter 13

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Steven's Pov

When the bell rings, for everyone to go to lunch, I get up from my chair and try to find Joanna.

When I finally find her, she is at her locker putting away her books.

"Hey Steven." She tells me when I head over there.


"Where is Isabelle?" She says and looks around. She then closes her locker.

"Oh she isn't here today." I say, remembering about what happened this morning.

"Oh okay. Um lets go to lunch now." She says.

I follow her to the lunch room, and sit down in front of her.

"So are you can Isabelle a thing?" Joanna asks me and pulls out her sandwich out of her backpack.

"No, we aren't a thing." I tell her and look at my feet.

"Ya'll would be cute though. Do you want to be a thing with her?" She says and smirks.


Joanna rolls her eyes. "Do you want to date her?"

"Um... She wouldn't like me though." I tell her. I start to play with my hands.

"YOU LIKE HER! I KNEW IT!" Joanna screams. Everyone starts to look at us.

"The hell are you guys looking at?" She yells at everybody. They all stop staring.

"Okay fine, I do kinda like her. It's just that she's so beautiful." I tell Joanna. I smile at the thought of Isabelle.

"Awe.! Tell her!" Joanna says and I shake my head.

"Fuck no. I don't want her to know. She's already going through a lot. I don't want to put stress on her with all this love crap." I tell her.

"Wait... What happened?" She says and takes out a sprite from her backpack.

"In the morning, I had to comfort her because she was crying a lot. To the point where she couldn't breathe. She's okay now, I think. You know what's crazy though? How beautiful she looked while crying. Some people look like a pig when they cry, but not her." I tell Joanna.

"Wow." Joanna says and takes a deep breath.

"Are you gonna go visit her after school?" She asks me and I nod.

The bell rings again and we both get up, and tell eachother bye, before we head to our next class.

*After school*

After school, I call my mom and tell her that i'm going to Isabelle's house, so I can check up on her.

I start to walk to her house. 10 minutes later, I'm at her front door and I knock.

Isabelle opens the door, dressed in a big sweatshirt and shorts, her hair is in a messy ponytail, and let me just say, no words can describe how beautiful she looks right now.

I smile at her and I suddenly feel shy. She comes up to me and hugs me, and I hug her back. I now feel okay. I feel safe for some reason now. What's going on with me?

She lets go and we start to head inside her house. I hear some music blasting in her room. I follow her upstairs and we go to her room. I sit down on her bed and she does also.

"Steven?" She says and looks at me.


"I just want to let you know that if you don't want to be friends with me, that's okay." Isabelle tells me.

"Why would I not want to be your friend?" I tell her and grab her hand. She looks at me and takes her hand away. Ouch.

"Because you saw me at my worst time. You now see how much of a mess I am. This is just half of it though." Isabelle tells me, while her head is down.

"You're crazy, I'm not gonna leave you. Okay?" I tell her and I smile at her.

"Ok." She takes a deep breath and looks up to me and smiles.

I just want to help her. I just want to show her how much she means to me, and how much she's worth.

A/N aw steven u lil poop ur so poetic right now lol.

I'm adding more detail to this book to make it longer. i have the next chapters planed out. so many cute stuff are going to happen. and some bad stuff also. get your tissues ready bro.

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