Chapter 1

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{i just made this chapter a bit more detailed!}
Isabelle's POV

"Isabelle get your ass up and get ready for school!." My dad said as he pours water on my face. I immediately get up from my bed, all soaked in water. He poured a huge cup of water on my face.

"What the fuck dad?" I yell at him, getting pissed each second. What kind of father does that?

"Don't fucking swear at me peasant!" He yells at me. I flinch but I quickly recovered. I roll my eyes and he slaps me. I yelp in pain and my mom comes running in my room.

"I think you should leave her alone. Please." My mom says once she realized what just happened. She is shaking in fear. My mom is scared of my dad, I guess you could say that i'm also scared of him. I don't even know why my mom hasn't left him already. She says she still loves him, and he still loves her, but you're not suppose to hit the person you love. They always fight. I can't wait until they separate.

"You shut the hell up." He says as he steps toward my mom. I'm scared for what's going to happen next.

"Isabelle go get change and be downstairs in 35 minutes for school so you won't be late." My mom says and sighs as she gets my dad and and takes him to their room.

"They're probably going to have some kind of sex so he won't be mad" I mumble to myself. That is super disturbing. I shake the thought of them out of my head and go to my bathroom and take a quick shower. I dry my hair and brush my teeth.

I brush my curly dirty blonde hair and change into black skinny jeans and a pastel blue tank-top and I put on my white converses. I put some mascara, concealer, and chapstick on, and look at myself in the mirror.

"Wow I look even uglier today." I say to myself. I honestly wish I did love myself. It's not that easy when everyone is telling you how ugly and worthless you are.

I look at my wrist and mentally hit myself. My scars are visible.

I grab 7 bracelets, some of them are band bracelets and some are just random ones. I put them on my wrist so no one can see my scars. I'm not proud of what I did to myself. But I can't stop. I hate myself even more for doing that to myself.

I grab my backpack and go downstairs. I get a water bottle and I open the front door.

"Bye guys." I yell. No one responds.

I go outside and start to walk to the bus stop. The weather is chilly this morning, so I start to regret wearing a tank-top. The wind is blowing my hair around, making it more messy then it already was.

The bus arrives and I get on. When I get on the bus, it's already packed. Every seat is taken. Great.

I look around and I see that there was only one seat that was not taken, which was next to a boy.

"May I sit here?" I ask the boy.

"Awh look, Isabelle has a crush!" Someone said.

"He doesn't want to sit next to you, you ugly slut." A other person says.

"Yeah you can sit here." The boys says, ignoring all those horrible comments everyone started to say. I sit down next to him and give him a smile. I honestly don't know why they tell me such horrible things. I never do anything bad to them. My thoughts are interrupted by the boy who I was sitting next to.

"My name is Steven." The boy says. I nod my head and put my backpack on my lap and turn towards him.

"My name is Isabelle." I tell Steven.

He smiles.

I immediately find my self blushing at his smile. He's so cute and adorable.

Shut up he doesn't like you, I mean look at yourself.' A voice in my head reminds me. I sigh and shake my head.

"Are you okay?" Steven asks me, with a concern look on his face.

"Yeah I'm okay." I tell him and give him a smile. He returns one back.

But little did he know how fucked up I am.



Vote & comment so I can update faster. (: Sorry for the poopy chapter.

{if you have any questions, message me or comment! kay bye}

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