Part Seven

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Life Without Ash: Day Eight.

I walked through the lunch line as I stared at the gloop on my tray.

"Are you going to freak out about the Once Upon a Time episode that played last night?" My friend asked as I payed for my lunch.

I shook my head no.

"Did you not watch it? Man, you are going to be even mader and probably rant." She said.

My gosh, my friend is so annoying! It's not like I obsess over it every single second of every single day.

"No. Okay? I just have some problems with a friend! Just leave me alone!" I said as I sat down at my table.

"Oh." She said. "Someone is cranky." She whispered into my other friends ear.

"That's it." I grabbed my plate and threw it in the trash.

I ran outside and ran behing the school. I ran all the way to where no one goes and probably not supposed to but I didn't care.

I sat down and hugged my knees. I plopped my hood over my head and began to cry.

I just want Ash back. She gave me self confidence, self control, and even helped me with small decisions. She would even tell me what to do about my friends and I would help with hers.

I'm not the only one that's like this, I know I'm not. Either Zeze, Brook, ir even Ash is going through this too.

My phone buzzed and I grabbed my phone out of my pocket.

"Guys." Zelena texted us in the group message.

"What is it?" I asked as she began typing.

"It's Ash. She told me what happened. She said that her and her friends got into a huge fight and now she has no friends. She thought that her internet friends wouldn't help her and only make her feel worse because she wants us to be real life friends and not internet-y... If any of that makes since." Zeze said.

"Oh. Well then I guess Ash is going through what I'm going through." I said.

"Are you going to leave like her?!" Zeze asked, wordily.

"No because I'm used to not having friends and only internet ones. Ash isn't used to that. She probably is really hurt and stuff. We just need to give her space." I said in reason, even though I can't steal her space if I could. She blocked me.

"Okay. You are right. It might take a month or so but we can get through it."

The school bell rang, but I didn't get up to go to class. I sat there on the ground until the next hour came by. I got up and went to my next class and was called to the office.


"My bitchy friend just rolled her eyes at me. Does she not think I see that?" Ash said.

"I'm sorry Ash." I began to say. "You can never see me roll my eyes at you."

"Lol." Brook said.

"I just want to scream at her, but I'm considered the calm and composed one of the group." Ash said.

"I used to be." Brook said.

"She just worships herself as the Queen and expects anyone below her to also, but no. I don't want to ya bish." Ash said. "I am just trying to stay calm."

"Great." Zeze said.

"This is why I shouldn't have friends. Being alone is so much better." Ash said.

"Yeah screaming doesn't do any good. Just have a few very close friends." Brook said.

"Especially since I can't show anger since I'm the emotionless one of the group." Ash said.

"Not a good way to live. Very unhealthy." Brook said.

"Well. I usually am calm though. It's just her." Ash said.

"Lol. Breathe. It'll be okay." Brook said.

"*breathing*" Ash said. The things meant that it was a action and she was doing exactly what Brook said.

"Good." Brook said.

"You aren't the calm one. Haha. You have your moments." I said, laughing.

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