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This scene rated steamy, FOR THE SIZZLINGVERSION, SKIP this chapter & go to next

a/n you may have to follow/fan to see the sizzling version, i will check into that asap

♪♫••═════ PART TWO~CHAPTER : 20  ═════••♬ ♭

A filmy halo circled the full moon which floated a black sea of diamonds. The sight reminded me of Jack's gift only twenty-four hours ago and the engraved words of love that were set just as permanent in my heart. Despite all, I could see the love in his eyes anytime he looked my way.

The soft blue glow of the pool almost rivaled the beauty of the moon, especially since the water was surrounded by the sheen of glow stones. Now emitting the light they had solarly soaked in all day, they lined the tile patterns. The only reason I had any inkling of what they were was because the previous night I had expressed my awe through the kitchen window and Jack with much enthusiasm had filled me in.

He was always watching my face for approval when I discovered something about the house or when showing me things, as if he wanted me to love everything about the house.

Kicking off my flip flops, I approached the guitar neck, descended the incline, and sat with my knees pulled up in the inch or two of water.

My thoughts contorted like the surface reflections, my future seeming as mysterious as the shimmering shadows. There was no doubt this could be my dream house, my dream life with the man I loved. But not so dreamy was all that I was beginning to see that came with him.

The crazy hours. The active life. A loud hoot of laughter sounded over the pounding music as if to enforce this point. The moody and presumptuous rock star.

Scooting up enough so that laying back would leave my head out of the water, I reclined. After staring at the stars a bit, I closed my eyes.

The displacement of water, rippling the ends of my floating hair, was my cue that I was no longer alone. My lids fluttered open seeing the light behind me blocked by a shadow. Jack eased down, and without touching me, lay back in the same manner.

He was the first to break the silence, a minute or so into it. “All good?”

The satellites among the stars winked and blinked, and I let a couple of breaths expel. “Sure.”

“It just seems like you've been mad at me all day.”

Now I did turn my head to study his profile. “Me? Mad at you?” Emphasizing the pronouns, I looked back to the sky when his head turned to me.

The feel of his gaze roving my face was a physical thing, but the humiliation of last night kept me from meeting his speculative eyes.

“I'm not the one mad if that's what you are saying.” His words were quiet, unsure.

“Aren't you?!”

“Why would I be?”

“I don't know!” Emotion clogged my throat, and for a split second, I debated running from what had become a confrontation. Maybe Jack was right. Maybe I always ran when I could.

Damming up my feelings, I struggled to keep my voice from wavering. “It is not fair for you to hold the same shit against me that you have done.”


“It's true that I was kind of a slut. But I tried not to let it touch Tristan in any way. I thought--I mean--I know he looked forward to spending the night at Liv's.” Stealing a quick sidelong glance, I pushed on reluctantly spilling my past. “They would plan for two weeks the movies they were going to watch and what they were going to eat. I never thought he wondered where I was.”

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