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♪♫••═════ PART TWO~CHAPTER : 24  ═════••♬ ♭

 Looking every bit a model, Randi paused poised just just over the threshold of the glass doors. Tanned limbs extended from a stylish short set, and a long french braid fell down her back.

Ignoring the return greetings for the moment, the striking woman pulled her designer shades down the bridge of her nose to behold the dripping broad shoulders of the man who was in the motion of turning her way.

Just before the PT completed the arc, Randi looked away sending a secret grin our way.

Confused, my gaze ping-ponged between Randi and Dax seeing only the slightest hint of anything resembling jealousy in Dax's expression.

I made the introductions and the PT lingered to talk of Tristan's progress, then centered his interest on polite conversation with Randi before disappearing to change out of his swimsuit.

Tristan remained in the pool, and the therapist left with a final flirty smile to Randi, Dax refilled my drink and mixed one for Randi, then left us to the poolside.

“How long do you think until Tristan is crutch free?” Randi sipped the mimosa.

“Why?” I prodded before testing my own drink. “Interested in a certain physical therapist?”

“He's hot. But I'm not looking.”

My lips curved thinking of the secret affair with Dax, but let it drop and answered her question. “A couple of weeks.”

“Perfect timing.” Randi smiled over her glass. “For the tour.”

I said nothing, and Randi chattered on about the shoot she had just come from. It wasn't until after we both changed into a swimsuit and played with Tristan in the pool that the other woman brought up the drop party.

Sitting on the incline, I was unconsciously staring and comparing the legs stretched before us and Randi began. “Mariss, I have to say something. I'm sorry about the drop party. You know that all any of those gossips have is that one picture to twist around and say what they want about, right?”

“I know.” I pulled my knees up and stared over them at Tristan. A discussion of the publicity fiasco was not something I wanted to get into with 'the other woman.'

“I just think that maybe we should have a meeting with Emma to brainstorm on how to fix this.”

The laugh pushing past my lips was more of a maniacal cackle, and when Randi twisted her head at the sound, I explained, “Emma doesn't want it fixed.”

After hearing the entire quarrel with Emmagesty, Randi cursed. “That's bullshit!” The foul word passed without rebuke since Tristan was underwater.

I watched as he surfaced a second later wearing an oblivious smile, then dove for another ring.

“Don't worry. Jack won't go for it.” Randi assured and I finally spoke.

“That's just it. She made me feel like a bad person if I fight what is best for his image.”

“No. You are fine for his image. And don't go thinking anything different. Leave this to me, I will take care of it,” Randi huffed.

Horrified, I negated, “No! No. Please don't.” Splashing some water on my hot neck, I grimly joked, “I'm no Yoko and will never be if I can help it.”

“At least promise that you will tell Jack what is going on. He will want to know.” Randi pulled her braid over one shoulder and like me, dipped her hand in the water to cool her neck.

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