Chapter 16- The Sixteenth Panic Attack

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"So Margo, Since your group session is tomorrow I was thinking we could go out and celebrate?" Todd asked, biting his lower lip.

"Sure I don't see why not, Let me just grab a jacket and we could leave," I said laughing at how nervous he looked, "You also don't have to be nervous you goof, We go out for dinner all the time."

I ran up the stairs and grabbed my jacket.

"Ready!" I yelled and sprinted back down the stairs.

The ride in the car seemed more awkward then usual, neither of us were talking and I wasn't sure why we weren't.

We walked into the fancy restaurant and the waitress showed us to the table, I looked at Todd and again he looked like he was going to puke from his nerves.

"Okay Todd, Why are you so nervous?" I asked, his eyes widened a bit when he stammered for a answer.

"I uh... I was... Do you want to be my girlfriend." He spat out.

Clearly surprised by what he said, I inhaled to quickly and chocked on the air. While I was coughing my face off, He was turning beat red and trying to apologize.

"Todd... *cough* Todd! Stop!" I yelled between my coughs.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend."

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