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It was raining when I woke up to day, which sucked. Everything about the rain made me aggravated. But still I got out of bed.

Every morning is the same. Get up, shower, fix my hair, select two pieces of black clothes, grab my bag and leave.

I got in the car and began to drive.
As I turned the block, Michael called me.

"Hey man." He said as soon as I answered.

"Hey." I said

"Where you okay yesterday?" He asked, "You seemed really pissed when you were over"

"I'm fine." I told him, "I'm just tired"

"Ok!" He said and hung up.


First period made me want to shoot myself this morning. It was all exams. The test was fifteen pages long and I was the first one to finish so I had to sit there and wait for everyone to finish.

And then after that I went to my next class for more exams.

When I walked in and took my usual seat in the back, I noticed her again. She was talking to one of her friends, or her friend was talking and she was listening. She would occasionally smile and laugh, but would then go back to being serious.

Ashton walked in and sat down next to me. He seemed overly excited for some reason, and it was probably something I didn't care about.

Class started, which was just a video about different scientific careers. I already had everything planned out. Duke in the fall where I would major and music and possibly tour.

Ashton starting pocking my side all of the sudden to get my attention, which was starting to aggravate me.

"What?" I asked, louder than a whisper, but quiet enough so only he could hear me.

"Guess." He said with a grin on his face,

"I don't know, tell me." I said.

"I'm hanging out with Jessica today." He practically screeched like a child.

I just rolled my eyes. After Ana came, I found it so much harder to be patient around my friends or anyone. Every sudden movement makes me want to scream. But I can't be alone, it's way too dangerous.


Lunch was total hell. I was slammed with the same question everyday; "why don't you ever eat", "are you going to prom" and "what are you doing after school".

It was such a struggle for me to not flip out on them. They were annoying the shit out of me more than usual.

I've told them the answers to all these questions, but they refuse to listen.  Maybe if they shut up, they would remember.

It was the slowest thirty minutes of my life. When the bell rang, I basically ran to the library to get away from them. I was the first one to class, which caused the librarian to smile. As a few more people filled in, I sat down at my table in the back, put in my ear buds, played nirvana radio, laid my head in my hands on the table and closed my eyes.


When I woke up, there was some blonde whore sitting next to me with the worse spray tan I had ever seen. I rubbed my eyes a few times before I could talk.

"Hi!" She squealed, "You fell asleep so I thought I should wake you up a few minutes before the bell rings."

"Ok. I'm awake." I said, rolling my eyes.

She laughed.

"Do you remember me?" She asked.

"Not really." I stated.

"Julia Corr." She said, "We met at a party."

I nodded my head and grabbed my things as the bell rang.

"Call me!" Julia yelled as I walked out to my next class, History.

Mrs. Schilling was already in front of the board with directions written all over it. The room set up was different. Two desk were pushed together facing each other. I sat in the one in the back and Calum sat across from me. The bell rang and class started as our bitchy teacher slammed the door shut.

"Today class, you will be starting you end of the year project. It's due in two Friday's and will be your last grade of the year. I will be assigning your partners and you have to deal with who you get." She said picking up her list.

"Calum Hood, Liam Payne."

"Bailey Grot, Jani Gerad."

"Luke Hemmings, Caleigh Roberts."

And the list went on.

"Now that you know your partners, you need the directions." She said passing out directions, "You have to make a project with your partner on what society has taught you. The three options are a typed essay, power point or a card board presentation. Now get to work!"

I got up and looked around until I noticed Caleigh waving over at me. That's when it hit me. This was Caleigh. The girl I had been questioning was my partner.

I sat down across from her and flipped over the directions paper to jot down some ideas. We worked quietly for most of the class.

"So how do you wanna leave this?" She asked, looking up from her paper.

"I don't really care. It's up to you." I stated.

"You could come over my house after school today." She suggested, "We could work on it there."

I nodded my head. I kind of like the sound of that. Just me and her, alone.

The bell rang for the end of the day. I rushed to my locker and shoved my stuff in my bag. She walked over to me and we walked out of the building towards the parking lot.

"Do you wanna take my car?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said, "Sophia's mom usually picks me up, so this is better."

We got in the car and put our bags in the back. I plugged my phone into the car charger and turned on the radio. A heavy guitar riff came on and was followed by a lot of screaming. Out of embarrassment, I turned the radio off.

"Why'd you change it?" She asked, slightly laughing.

"What?! You like this?!"

"Not really, but I can deal with it."

I shacked my head. This was gunna be hella interesting.

(a/n: hope you guys like this! pls comment and vote xx)

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