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"Are you gunna eat that or not?" Michael asked, looking down at the untouched slice of pizza that sat in front of me.

Sighing, I shook my head and handed him the greasy slice which he devoured in literally two seconds.

"Thanks man." He said, taking a sip of water "Aren't you hungry? Why don't you eat lunch anymore?"

Yes, I'm starving.

"I'm not hungry." I lied "I'm usually never hungry during lunch since I eat a big breakfast." More lies.

He nodded.

"So anyways." Ashton began "Prom's next weeks."

"I can't wait." Michael and Calum said in sync.

"I'm taking Sophia Cruse." Calum said with a proud look on his face "She's so hot."

"I'm taking Zara Vieta." Michael said with a grin.

"Jessica Cardemon." Ashton said "So Luke who are you taking?"

Fuck! I thought I could get myself out of this.

"I'm not sure yet. I still have time." I said, slightly annoyed.

"But you need to find something to wear this weekend." Michael said.

"It's Monday." I told him.

"We should all wear black skinny jeans, white button down and black blazer." Calum suggested. The other boys nodded while I just rolled my eyes.

I didn't want to go to Prom. It was basically a sweaty room filled with couples grinding and sluts giving innocent guys blow jobs in dirty bath rooms. But I knew my friends would drag me along so I didn't say I'm not going because I didn't want to hear their shit.

The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat. It was a quick get away for me to get out of the prom discussion.

I sprinted up the three flights of stairs to the library in record time. Some people had already sat down and started working, but there were many people that were going to be late. Which meant detention.

I sat down at one of the small, round tables in the back and set my bag down at the chair next to me. There wasn't any homework since we had finished our finals last week and have prom next week.

Quickly, I unzipped my bag and pulled out a notebook. Flipping through the pages until I found the one I was on from the previous day, I began to tap my pencil on the paper as I read the words. I read through the list of calories in the minimum amount of food I have consumed over the week.

Lettuce, power bar, neuro sonic, ice cubes. It wasn't much and in total it was around only 200 calories split into three days.

My thought were disrupted by Sophia Cruise, the only senior that still had braces because she refused to wear bands. I could hear her obnoxious laugh from across the room. She was such a slut that I had absolutely no tolerance for, but since she was Calum's date, I had to be nice.

I looked over at the table Sophia was sitting in. Her laughing had changed to regular talking, which I didn't know what it was about. Then I noticed her friend who was absolutely gorgeous. She long dark hair, inviting blue eyes and the most perfect smile. Her voice was gentle and soft. I had seen her around many times, but I never really payed attention to her looks.

I shoved the notebook in my bag and started listening to music. Pressing shuffle, my favorite song came on first and I began to study every feature about this girl.

I'm so happy because today I found my friends, there'll all in my head. I'm so ugly, but that's okay cos so are you.

This girl intrigued me so much that I want to know all her secrets, but I didn't even know her name.

The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat. Rushing, I grabbed my bag and followed after the girl. She had a swift walk that I found cute. She seemed adorable.

As she turned the corner, I realized that she was walking into the same class room as me. We both had history for our last period. I sat down at my usual seat in the back and watched her sitting up front. People filled in the class room, one by one.

Calum sat down next to me, with a huge smile on his face and a lipstick stain on his cheek.

"Hey man!" He said "Guess what happened to me."

"Sophia kissed you." I stated.

He nodded with a proud look on his face. Our teacher walked in and everyone silenced.

"Calum Hood, I want you up front." She stated, pointing to a seat right in front of her desk. He got up and sat down.

I was actually relieved that shelved him away from me because I really just wanted to be by myself for a bit.


The entire class was a long lecture about  studying in college. I didn't pay much attention. History rants were always boring. Every five minutes, I checked the time to see when class would end. 20, 15, 10 minutes left. Calum would turn back to me occasionally, giving me a face to make me laugh. God I can't wait to graduate.

I looked back at the clock again and before I knew, class was over. Once again I sprinted out of the room, but this time I collided with Sophia's friend. She dropped her books and I helped her picked them up. We looked into each other's eyes. I think I just experienced love at first sight.

(a/n; sorry it's been a million years since an update. ik this chapter is short and crap, pls don't be mad. feel free to pm about anything you guys want. ily all x)

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