so i murder love in the night

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It's been a couple days since Luke has called Ashton and Ashton is starting to just chalk up whatever they had to a simple one night stand. Ashton is watching the news and the police have confirmed that the last murder was of a copy cat killer. A curfew of 9 o'clock has been set up until both of the killers are caught. He sighs at all the media coverage this is getting and sets his tea back on the coffee table. He cuts off his TV and pulls out the latest book he's been reading called "And The Hippos Were Boiled In Their Tanks".

He reads for an hour or so before setting his book on the table next to his tea cup. He picks up the cup and brings it over to the sink before washing it out and putting it away.

After he cleans off the kitchen counter and folds up the blanket sitting on his couch, he retreats to his bedroom. As he's changing into his pajamas, he gets a call from Luke.

He quickly answers and almost sighs at the familiar sound of Luke's voice. He may have just seen his as his next victim when he first met the tall blonde, but Ashton could never imagine hurting him at this point. He gets too easily attached, but he tries not to think about that as Luke speaks to him.

"Hi, Ash," Luke says and Ashton can practically hear the tired smile he's sure is adorning Luke's face.

"Hey, Luke," Ashton replies.

"I was wondering if we could meet up at my apartment? I made chicken parmesan."

"Of course. I'll be over in twenty."

Ashton frantically takes off his pajamas and puts on his favorite lilac sweater and a pair of skinny jeans before running a hand through his hair. He smiles at his appearance in the mirror before grabbing his keys.

He locks the door to his apartment and goes out the back entrance of the building to where his white Mini is parked.

He turns off the radio as soon as he cranks the car and drives over to Luke's apartment, which is on the other side of the city.

When he arrives, he takes one last glance at himself before exiting his car and waking up the steps to Luke's apartment. 

He knocks on the door and smiles when he sees Luke answer the door.

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