i can't stop what i love to do

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Ashton was furious. How dare anyone try to copy him? He spends the day with a dull anger bubbling in his chest. With every fake smile he gives a customer, he feels like he's going to crack. 

He makes it through the day without snapping on someone and he rushes upstairs to his apartment.

Ashton thinks about going out to show this copycat that they could never be better than him, but he decides against it. He can't do that just because he's  angry. That would be wrong. He can't afford to be careless.

Luke arrived at the crime scene early that morning. As soon as he saw the victim, he knew that this couldn't have possibly been done by the Persephone killer. Everything was just so... sloppy. There wasn't even a crown of asphodels. This kill screamed copycat and that just made things more complicated. Rather than searching for one killer, he's now searching for two.

"What do you think, Hemmings?" the director asks.

"This is a definitely the work of a copycat. The Persephone killer would never be this reckless and... disrespectful to a person," he replies.

"I'm going to pair you and Hood together. You need all the help you can get," the director says before going to talk to another agent that has just arrived.

Luke sighs at the thought of working with Detective Hood. He's a pretentious bastard who is only interested in himself.

After analyzing the crime scene and area surrounding the body, Luke leaves the scene and makes sure to tell the coroner to send him the autopsy report before going back to his apartment. 

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