The Second Lock Down: Part One - Before Dusk

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Nick arrived at Emma's house in the van with Aaron. Zak had gone ahead with Billy, Jay and Selzaca. As Nick pulled up in the gravel driveway, he spotted Zak leaning against the Tech van sipping his Starbucks latte. (Yes he drinks it I've seen a picture. I don't though so don't worry.) Nick hopped out of the van and walked over to Zak. His eyes widened as he noticed the dark, heavy bags under Zak's eyes. "Dude you look like you didn't get any sleep," Nick said. Zak didn't respond, just looked at Nick over his coffee cup as he slowly sipped his latte.
"Guess they don't call you Zak Bagans for nothin'," Aaron joked. Zak was silent for a few more seconds, still sipping his latte. Finally, Zak pulled the coffee cup from his lips and looked at his teammates with half closed eyes.
"I didn't sleep at all," Zak said. He yawned, then continued. "I was to excited for the investigation. Well, I guess I shouldn't say investigation, since we're not investigating anything. I was excited for the. . .the um. . .you know what I'm just gonna call it an investigation because that's easier." Nick and Aaron shrugged. Zak was obviously tired.
Lady Selzaca walked up to the men suddenly. "If you don't mind," Selzaca said kindly, "I'd like to go into the house and cleanse it for tonight." Zak sipped his coffee and nodded.
"Okay," Zak said. "I think we should cleanse Emma's room first, then go to the basement." Zak suddenly smiled evily and turned to Nick. "Actually," Zak said, "we could send Nick to cleanse the basement while the rest of us go upstairs." Nick looked at Nick in shock.
"Are you nuts?!," Nick exclaimed.
"Come on Nick the bodies are gone," Zak said.
"Is the blood gone?," Nick asked.
"No," Zak said.
"Then hell no!," Nick said. Well that argument ended up being invalid, because ten minutes later Selzaca is teaching Nick how to use cleansing tools.
"Okay, you're ready," Selzaca said. Nick looked back at Selzaca as she pushed him into the house. Selzaca shut the front door, and Nick was left in the house. Alone. Nick took a shakey breath, then slowly moved towards the basement's door. Once he reached it, he yanked it open and flew down the stairs, not enjoying the feeling of being watched. Nick walked around the bloody area and threw saw dust, or whatever Selzaca called it, in a circle around the ritual area. Nick shook some miracas, tapped a tambourine and yelled, "be gone evil spirit!" Needless to say, Selzaca's methods were a little outdated.
Nick finished by pouring holy water on the circle of dust. After that, Nick raced out of the basement and slammed the door shut with a sigh of relief. "Nick?," asked a voice from behind him. Nick turned to find Zak standing by the kitchen table, smirking. Nick glared at him.
"I hate you," Nick said. Zak just laughed and began walking towards the living room.
"Come on, let's join Aaron and Selzaca upstairs," Zak said. Nick's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.
"You mean you just stood there while I was down there terrified out of my mind?!," Nick shouted.
"Yep," Zak said from up ahead, "now come on already." Still overcome with shock at his friend's behavior, Nick followed Zak towards the steps.
Aaron watched as Lady Selzaca took in the sight of Emma's horrific bedroom. "This is where the girl was murdered?," Selzaca asked. Aaron nodded.
"Yeah, pretty creepy ain't it?," Aaron asked. Selzaca nodded. Aaron leapt forward as Zak and Nick suddenly burst into the room behind him. Aaron turned to Nick and Zak. "You scared the living crap out of me!," Aaron exclaimed. Zak laughed.
"Sorry about that Aaron," Zak said, still chuckling. Aaron just glared at him. The men stood aside as Selzaca did her thing. When she finished, they all went outside and decided what to do next.
"What I think we should do," Selzaca said, "is go home and unwind a bit. Zak obviously needs sleep," she added, noticing the bags under Zak's eyes. The group nodded and agreed to meet back at dusk.

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