Emma's Death

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Nick walked into the room after Zak and Aaron and gagged at the sight. "What. . .what the. . .who did this?," Nick stuttered.
"That's what the authorities failed to figure out," Zak growled, taking a seat on the blood soaked bed by the door. "Nick can you shut the door after you come in?," Zak asked. With a gulp, Nick nodded, kicking the door firmly shut behind him. Aaron and Nick sat down beside Zak. Nick could tell Zak was a little heartbroken being in this place. Well, to be fair, him and Emma were pretty close. Despite the pretty large age difference, Nick thought. I'm sure being here to confirm her death is really going to hurt him. With a shakey hand, Zak pulled the EVP recorder out of his pocket and turned it on. "Emma?," Zak said loudly. "It's us! Zak, Nick and Aaron! Are you haunting your family?"
"Still. . .human." The two words came through crystal clear when Zak rewound the recorder. Nick saw a tear slip out of Zak's eye. It's her, Nick thought sadly.
"Emma what happened here? Who or what killed you?," Zak asked. They had gone back and gotten a spirit box instead, since they seemed to be getting responses almost immediately. Suddenly, the group heard a loud, female cry. The group flinched, because they knew whose it was. Emma's spirit was reliving her painful death, even after it occurred.
"Sacrifice," hissed a male voice through the spirit box, which made the three men jump in surprise. Had Emma taken the life of her killer, or one of them, as she died? Sounds like something she'd do, Nick thought, smiling. The group heard a girl scream, then several male laughs.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO EMMA?!," Zak screamed, obviously at the male voice that had just responded. At that moment, Nick looked up. He jumped up in surprise as he noticed a girl leaning up against the wall.
"Guys look!," Nick shouted, pointing at the apperition. Aaron and Zak looked up, leaping up at the sight of the ghost girl. The girl was wearing blue and white converse; dark blue jeans; a baggy blue pull-over hoodie and a black New York snap back. She had long blond hair, bright blue eyes and wore brown glasses. The men gasped again as they realized who was with them.
"Emma," Zak said. Emma smiled and reached out for them. Then, she fell to her knees, screaming. Her body slowly became torn apart and bloody, and when she looked back up at the Ghost Adventures crew, her eye sockets were black, empty holes. The apperition of a man slowly faded into view. He was stabbing Emma, while some unseen lifeforms held Emma tightly so the man could get at her.
Next, Emma's ghost leapt up, breaking free of her invisible tendrils, and raced through Nick to her bedside dresser. She picked something up, then raced back through Nick, causing all of his arm and neck hair to stand on end. Emma rushed at the man that had been attacking her. They tussle for a few moments, Emma stabbing blindly with a knife since her eyes were gone. Although she was blind, she moved with quick efficiency, and soon she and the man were lying on the floor in bloody pools. The object Emma had been holding slid under the bed as her body struck the ground. Their breathing stopped almost simultaneously, and their apperitions faded.
Zak turned to Nick. "Look for what slipped under the bed," Zak said. Nick nodded and got on his knees, searching blindly under the bed with his hand.
"Zak!," Aaron shouted, "I got all of that on camera!"
"The apperitions?," Zak asked. Aaron must've nodded, because Zak said, "good. The world needs to see what happened to her." Finally, Nick found something. Grabbing it, he pulled it out from underneath the bed. When he viewed the object, he found that it was a bloody pocket knife.
"Guys," Nick said, "look at this." Zak and Aaron walked over and looked at the knife. They heard Emma's voice through the spirit box.
"I killed him," she said. "They took me. . .I was their sacrifice." This was followed by a cackle from the male ghost, obviously the man Emma had taken with her to death. Nick heard Emma cry. "I. . .didn't mean to kill him. I just wanted them gone." Nick looked up at the mirror. He screamed as a small, bloody hand print appeared underneath the word written there. "God hates me. . .because I killed." Nick felt the tears slip out of his eyes, and he collapsed, sobbing. He heard Zak crying too.
"Emma," Aaron said, "we're going to do a lock in tonight, at your house. How do yo feel about that?" Nick flinched as he heard Emma cry again.
"No. . ." she said. "You. . .can't."
"You're family knows that you're here," Aaron says. "You're scaring them." Suddenly, a small box flew off of the desk underneath the mirror, causing Nick and Zak to leap up. The box busted open, and the items inside of it scattered all over the floor.

Zak carefully walked over to where the small box, and it's items, lay on the floor. The box's lock was broken and it's lid was slightly unhinged. On the box's lid, the words 'Happy Memories' was written in blue Sharpie. Zak looked through the items. Most of them were tapes of Ghost Adventures episodes that Emma had taken part in. There was also pictures of Emma with her siblings or goofing around with the G.A.C or her school friends. They came across a picture of a girl with long black hair and brown eyes. She and Emma were laughing together in the picture. Zak flipped the picture to the back. It read 'Rest In Piece Mollie. My best friend. 1999-2013'.
"That's so sad," Nick said, his head resting on Zak's shoulder as he read the words on the back of the photograph. "They didn't die to far apart from each other." Zak nodded.
"So. . .from what Emma's told us so far. . .she was killed and her body was taken as a sacrifice," Nick said. Zak nodded.
"And from what we saw, Emma killed the man who was trying to kill her, but niether of their bodies were found. Which, most likely, means the man had accomplices who took both of their bodies and used them for. . .you know," Zak said. Nick and Aaron nodded sadly. Suddenly, Billy came out over the walkie.
"Hey guys," Billy said, "we've got some interesting footage from the cameras you might want to see." They men looked at each other with wide eyes, then raced out the door. They leapt into Billy and Jay's van.
"What's the footage?," Zak asked. Billy skipped to the part where Nick and Zak were crying, their cameras on the ground. Zak's eyes narrowed. "Did you call us back here just to laugh at us?, " he asked angrily. Billy shook his head quickly and pointed out into the room.
"Look," Billy said. He zoomed out so you could see the entire room. Emma's apperition could be seen in the corner by the desk. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she reached her hand out for Nick and Zak. Aaron then began talking in the footage. What he was saying was making Emma cry harder. Emma became so upset, she threw the box from earlier across the floor. Suddenly, the girl from Emma's picture, Mollie, appeared at her side. Mollie hugged the sobbing Emma and a light appeared behind them. Mollie began disappearing into the light, but when she tried to pull Emma with her, Emma was yanked back by the male apperition from earlier. The two girls began sobbing, until the light closed around Mollie, leaving Emma trapped by her killer.
Zak felt himself become incredibly angry, and he stormed out of the van and back into the house. He marched upstairs and burst into Emma's room. "You killed my friend!," Zak shouted. "Emma knows that I hate people who hurt children! Well come on out coward! Let's see if you're as strong as you think you are!" Out of nowhere, Zak was pushed out of the room. When he was out in the hall, the door to Emma's room slammed shut.
"I told you to leave." Zak heard Emma talking in his head. "It's not safe here. Grab your equipment and leave Zak. You need to leave. I will leave my family in peace so they don't know I'm here, but you need to go. I pushed you out of the room because that man was about to rip you to shreds. He's a lot stronger then the rest of us, but I've got him handled. You just need to go." Zak smiled as he thought, sorry Emma, but I made a promise. As he walked back downstairs, he heard Emma say, "stubborn."

Damn right I am.

Shards to the Heart: A Ghost Adventures FanficWhere stories live. Discover now