[ PROLOGUE ] -----

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Thank you ClaireTslove for all the support~

The lights of the city flew past leaving streaks in the sky. The black BMW M5 behind me was hot on my tail as I slowed at the lights; I revved the engine, ready to pounce. The tyres of my black Jaguar XF-R squealed as I let go of the breaks. I focused my eyes on the city streets that lay ahead. New York at night was one of the most beautiful sights you’ll ever see.

I raced towards Manhattan, passing Central Park which was flooded in moonlight. People in trackies were going out for midnight jogs and strolls, unaware of what this city was hiding under all its glory. Us. I took a sharp turn left, not hoping to lose the M5, but to lead it away from HQ instead.

Once I was over the Hudson River, I was safe. I checked the mirror to see if my plan had worked. Shit. I rounded the corner and took a right back onto the main road. I scanned the line of traffic for the M5, my head swivelling from left to right. The traffic was at a complete stand still. I’d have to leg it.

I parked the jag on the verge in one swift movement. I flung the door open and slammed it closed sprinting towards the traffic, happy I had decided to dress casual for tonight’s kill.

As I joined my fellow midnight joggers my eyes flickered from car to car, trying to spot the M5. I smiled at how cliché I looked. Maybe a nice slow bass with sharp piano and light drum beat in the background with extra close ups of my face and eyes. Possibly a light drizzle of rain to please the aesthetics. A scene from a James Bond movie. But alas this was not play; I owned a completely legal license to kill.

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