Chapter Twenty-Four "Love"

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Liam's POV

We were basically a couple. A blind person would see it. I slept at his house every night he didn't sleep at mine, my bed felt empty whenever he wasn't beside me, I constantly had one of his hands in one of mine, I never wanted to let go, his touches were like shocks of electricity, keeping me alive, his kisses were as essential to me as eating or breathing. This couldn't be healthy anymore.

Everyone around us could see it. Even his family thought we were together. Like, officially.

We practically were. I was head over heals for this man. Why did I keep torturing him? Why couldn't I just admit how much I loved him? Why couldn't I just say it right into his face?

I love you.

I said it to Harry when he brought me hot soup and read me bedtime stories when I had the flu.

I said it to that old lady at the train station in Paris when she gave me the money I needed to get home.

I said it to the stupid cat that kept me company when Harry was on his exchange to Italy.

Why couldn't I just say it?

I love you.

It was only words. Nothing more. Three simple words. Why was it so hard?

"Everything okay, babe?" Zayn pulled me out of my thoughts with his roughly soft morning voice. "You seem a little off."

I looked down at him, lying on my bare chest, his midnight black hair all messed up from sleeping, squinting his tired eyes at me. "I didn't know you were awake."

"I wasn't, really.", he chuckled and kissed my chest. "What were you thinking about?"

I stroked his hair back, smiling at his adorable yawn. "You."

He smirked. "Well, what about me?", he asked, his voice muffled into my skin.

"Nothing in particular.", I lied. It was an innocent lie, it didn't harm either of us. If anything, it did the opposite. "Just you."

He closed his eyes again. He wasn't much of a morning person. But I certainly wasn't complaining! I loved the sight of his wobbly, sloppy morning-self.

There it was again... Love. What was it with this word? Just four letters, yet so powerful.

"What are you thinking?", I asked in return, desperate to hear his voice again.

"Sleep.", he moaned, curling up into a ball, pulling half of the blanket off me.

"Hey!" I yanked the blanket off him and buried myself under it.

Zayn shivered, now certainly awake and up for revenge. He straddled over me, bending forward until his nose touched my forehead. "What do you think you're doing?", he hissed dangerously and slid the blanket from my shoulders.

"Claiming what's mine.", I responded, a triumphant smile on my lips.

He smirked. "Allow me to do the same." He pulled the blanket away and pressed his lips onto mine, pushing me deep into the mattress.

I gasped because I couldn't find the time to breathe before he kissed me. I flipped him onto his back, a wicked grin playing around my lips. "No.", I said simply and bent down to kiss his neck, leaving a mark on his skin.

"Liam Payne.", he chuckled. "Master of the house."

I let my fingers wander down his chest, following the faint line of his abs. Listening to his nervous heartbeat, I placed my head on his chest, being pushed up and down as he shakily breathed in and out.

My hands trailed along his sides, my fingers drawing little circles into his skin. I pushed myself up again and started scattering little kisses all over his upper body.

He let out a moan and grabbed my face firmly with both his hands. "Just kiss me already!", he sighed and pulled my lips to his.

I gladly gave in to the soft touch of his warm lips and ran my hands through his messy hair. I never wanted this to end. I wanted to freeze this moment and keep it forever.

We pulled away for a moment to catch our breaths and he looked at me with those half-sleeping eyes of his, shimmering in the light of the rising sun peaking through my window. "Liam?", he mumbled, barely even moving his lips.

I kissed his nose and smiled. "Yes?"

He took a deep breath and blinked a few times. "I love you.", he murmured, his voice barely more than a whisper.

I couldn't...

Me too.

He wanted me to say it.

I love you too.

Right there.

My heart beating up to my throat, I kissed him again. Not allowing another word to slip past either of our lips.

I didn't want to say I couldn't. I didn't want to hear his Sorry. I wanted to lose myself in this moment. Don't think!

He loved me.

I didn't freak. I didn't cry. I didn't answer...

I love you too.

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