Chapter Twenty "Choices"

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Liam's POV

I woke up with a murderous headache the next morning. I blinked into the beams of sunlight falling through my large window and tried to pull the blanket over my head to go back into darkness. But something was lying on it.

Harry was curled up next to me, clinging to one of my arms, a drop of saliva dangling from the corner of his mouth, my blanket trapped between his legs. I smiled sweetly. He looked so adorable.

Then I suddenly jerked up. What was he doing here? He had his own bed!

Harry woke up moaning, trying to get a hold of my arm again.

"Harry, wake up.", I hissed, shaking him ruggedly.

He blinked at me, obviously angry that I'd woken him. "What?", he groaned and wiped the spit from his chin.

"What happened?" I was almost too afraid to ask. Harry was lying in my bed the morning after a party and I was in my underwear. "What about Louis? Did something happen? Why are we... Did we...?"

He propped himself up on his arms, rubbing his eyes and stared at me, a sad look in his eyes. "God, Liam...", he said, desperately trying to find the right words. "How much did you drink last night?"

"How much?", I repeated. I couldn't have had much, I never drank much. I didn't want to end up like my father. But then again, I didn't remember a thing from last night. "Harry... How much did have?"

"Do you remember anything at all?"

I slowly shook my head that was pounding with every movement. "Nothing."

"Well, first of all, we didn't have sex.", he said matter-of-factly and smiled at me as if that was the stupidest thing I had ever thought. "I just fell asleep here after I got you home."

I sighed in relief. But that left at least a thousand other question unanswered.

"You were a mess yesterday.", he continued, taking a more comfortable sitting position. "I found you in a chamber at Louis' house, all miserable and sitting on the floor and crying and drunk. You were so incredibly pissed, Liam. Why did you drink that much?"

I looked at him, not noticing the tears filling my eyes, as I started to remember little fragments from last night. "I just kinda lost control.", I whimpered. "I just went on and on and on..."

"But why did you end up in that chamber?"

"I might have followed Zayn there..." I buried my face in my hands and took a sharp breath. "I did something very stupid, Harry..."

"Wait. Let's wake up properly first." He got up and marched into the kitchen, where I heard him turn on the coffee machine, leaving me to my thoughts.

I still didn't understand how I could have drunk so much. Everything apart from that I could blame on the alcohol - but I couldn't blame the alcohol on the alcohol.

When Harry came back with two cups of freshly brewed coffee and sat down on my bed again, I started to puzzle together the little pieces of last night's memories.

"You snapped, that's it.", he said, finally. "Even to me all the memories came back when I saw you there, cowering on the floor." He gulped, blinking away the tears.

"I can't believe I did that.", I mumbled, clinging to my mug as if it was a safety buoy offshore. "I can't believe I did that to Zayn." I looked at Harry. "And to you... I'm so sorry I ruined your evening."

"Don't be.", he said, giving me a generous smile. "We swore-"

"We swore to protect each other.", I finished and rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't mock me." He pouted his lips and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"I have to apologize.", I said and put my mug aside.

He gave me a scrutinising look.
"Are you sure you can do this?"

"I have to." I got out of bed, stopped for a second to find my balance and started getting dressed. "This has to stop." I took a moment to think. I didn't want to go alone. "You can come too, you know? See your Boobear again and all."

His smile morphed into a wide grin. "Yeah... That's why you want me to come."

"Please.", I pleaded.

He shrugged, winking at me. "Of course. I'll come along to see Louis.

"Thanks.", I sighed in relieve. "Congratulations, by the way."

He nodded, blushing. "Just a piece of advise?" He smirked. "You might wanna take a shower."

I picked up the jumper I'd worn yesterday and threw it at his face. He squeaked and rolled off my mattress. "That goes for you as well.", I snarled playfully.

Finding The Courage (a Ziam Mayne AU)Where stories live. Discover now