Chapter One "Mates"

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Zayn's POV

Liam was standing next to a girl with waving locks of beautifully golden hair, smiling seductively. Most probably talking her into going out with him - once, that his. And once he's got what he wants, he would drop her like a hot potato, just like the one before and the one after.

It was completely comprehensible. He was very good-looking, charming and he had his way with words to make anyone melt within seconds.

Literally anyone, by the way. Girls, boys, men, women, blonde, short, slim, brunette, green eyes, blue eyes - as long as they were human and equally interested in him, he was on it. And practically always successful.

I guess, you would call him pansexual. But that had nothing to do with his behavior. He was a slut. There was no better way to put it. But he was okay with it. He knew not everyone approved of his lifestyle, but as long as he was having fun, he didn't care.

The girl handed him a piece of paper, lightly kissing him on the cheek, and walked away, smiling.
When Liam turned around and his eyes met mine, I let my gaze drop onto my plate. I sighed and shoved my fork into the steak soaked in a slimy, brown sauce.

Liam grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me down to see what was in front of me. "Well, that certainly looks enjoyable.", he said doubtfully, kissed me on the neck and slumped himself on the bench next to me.

"Knock it off, Liam.", I said, wiping the traces of his kiss off my skin.

"C'mon, Zaynie.", he murmured, his large, brown eyes shimmering in the dim cafeteria lights. "Why always so uptight?"

"I'm not uptight, I'm annoyed.", I said, focussing on my meal again.

He pouted jokingly and lay his head on the table.

Oh, didn't I mention? We were mates, quite good ones actually.

He threw pieces of napkin at me, smiling provokingly.

Good, maybe we kinda were best mates. I'd told him to drop the kissing but he wouldn't listen. I wasn't up for any drunken one-night-stands or sloppy make-out-sessions, it would only make things awkward. And it would make me feel used, I guess? He didn't want me because he liked me. He wanted me because he thought I was fit. And I for my part didn't want him.

Mates was good. I was perfectly fine with that.


Harry came to join us, sleeking his hair back at least four times, and high-fived Liam. "Good job, mate."

Harry wasn't even close to being the playboy he thought he was. Of course that is understandable, since your choices are fairly limited when you're focusing on one specific target group. On top of that, he was in love. Unofficially - it wasn't good for his image.

He could of course deal with that however he wanted, I just felt really sorry for Louis. Things weren't too easy for him already with his uncertainty about coming out. He could really use the support of someone who loved him.

"You guys have any plans for today?", Harry asked and shoved his chips into his mouth.

Liam settled back with a content smile on his lips. "Well, I've got an appointment."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. 'Appointment'.", I retorted.

"I could of course always make some time for my best friends." He took my hand and drew little circles on my palm.

I pulled it away. "Pass."

"Come on, Zayn.", Harry whined. "It's Friday night. We're young and wild. We gotta do something with our freedom."

I sighed. Ever since he'd turned eighteen, he felt obliged to rejoice in all the freedom he had from being an adult. "Sorry, Harry. I'm really not in the mood. You could ask Lou. He's probably up for it.", I said, hoping he wouldn't detect the hint I'd embedded in that statement.

"But we've gotta do something together again, as a group. Where have the good old times gone?" He pouted.

"They're not gone.", I said. "Maybe another weekend. I would just like to be alone this evening."

Liam pulled on my shirt, looking at me in concern. "You alright, mate?", he mouthed.

I nodded and tried to smile at him. "I'm fine."

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