the devil needed a ride 19

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I let out a small content sigh when I felt something move gently down my cheek. I couldn't help as my eyes fluttered open showing the bare chest of the man I loved. I blinked looking up at him and found him already awake.

His fingers stopped brushing my cheek and he gave me a soft smile, “Morning love.” He spoke so softly as if speaking to a butterfly.

I was vaguely aware of my nakedness as I grabbed his shoulders pulling me up so we were eye to eye. He cupped my cheek and a smile spread across his lips, “I missed lying beside you.” He muttered as his eyes searched my face.

I shifted slightly to get closer to him when I felt a sharp pain in my nether regions. I winced making him frown and slid his hand to my stomach, “I have caused you pain.” He sounded irritated at himself.

I couldn't help but giggle at his frowning face. He is worried about a little pain because we made love… I feel that is the right term… we didn't have sex, we made love. He looked up and when his eyes met with mine he looked surprised and just stared at me.

I wish this moment would last forever. I was finally in his arms; arms that I knew would never let me go again to be taken away… I pulled myself closer ignoring the slight pain and curled myself to his chest, “I love you Luke.” I whispered gently into his chest but I knew he could hear me.

I liked this feeling. I felt totally calm and happy; with Luke besides me I felt as if nothing could go wrong.

His stomach gave off a growl making him let out a small chuckle, “It appears I am hungry.” He mused running a free hand down my bare back.

I shivered against his warm hand and body, “Can I make you something?” I offered but he shook his head when I looked up at him.

He wrapped his arms securely around me, “No, I don't want this moment to end just yet.” He gave me another warm smile making my heart swell.

I reached up letting my fingers take refuge into his black hair. He smiled slightly and his fingers went into my short hair, “Your hair has grown.” He muttered mindlessly.

I almost wanted to laugh. It has been what over a month I think from when he first bit me making me go bald… a lot has happened in a month.

He went on fire and traveled across my skin as if I was a part of him. In a way I guess I was; a part of his soul rests inside of me, a part of his power I can use, and he will always be a part of me.

His stomach growled again making me giggle and pull away, “Let’s go feed the beast.” I joked smiling at him.

He raised an eyebrow at me, “Then that would make you the beauty but I only see a goddess in my presence.”

I rolled my eyes at him; he is really cheesy some times. He chuckled at my expression and wrapped his arm around me pulling me on to him as he sat up, “I love you, Kayla… I promise nothing will ever happen to you.” he swore but I shook my head at him.

I put my head on his chest with my hand over his heart feeling it beat, “Something will happen and you might not be there to protect me… but I don't think that day will be here any time soon.”

He looked slightly confused at me before giving a grim face, “Mary is looking for you.” he grumbled annoyed.

I reached up kissing him before sliding off the bed to get some clothes since mine were… a bit torn up and thrown across the room at the moment.

I slid on one of his shirts and sweats grabbing some for him. He changed into the clothes I handed to him but I saw him glancing at me every few seconds like I was going to disappear. I shifted slightly since my wings were uncomfortable pressed against my back because of the shirt but I ignored it.

He pulled me to him and kissed me. When my eyes opened I saw I was in Mary’s apartment. Before I could call out her name I was tackled to the ground and a blubbering Mary crying saying I was back and not dead.

I helped her up and smiled at her; it was good to be back. I never want to leave again.

Mary followed me to her room so I could shower and change. I haven’t taken a shower in a week… in a way that disgusted me, when I thought of it but then again I was in heaven where time stand stills.

It was quite awkward trying to take a shower and not get my wings wet. It took me almost twice as long but I managed. I changed into a jeans and a shirt with a low back so my wings weren’t strained. I was about to leave when I saw a feather fall from my right wing.

I picked it up confused. When I was in heaven I never once saw a feather fall off from an angel…

I looked at it for a while longer before I threw it away. Maybe I was just growing more in like birds did; it was nothing I should worry about.

I made it into the living room where I saw Mary hugging Luke and he looked shocked. He awkwardly patted her back and she let go. I walked over sliding in besides him and he kissed me gently.

I turned to Mary as she spoke, “You know you gave me quiet the scare!” she joked but I could see the pain in her eyes.

I broke away from Luke to pull her close, “I'm so sorry Mary. It must have been horrible to seen me die…” I muttered tightening my grip on her.

She sniffed pulling back, “Luke said they turned you into an angel.” She smiled slightly, “But since when did little Miss Kayla be so innocent to become an angel?”

I rolled my eyes when she wiggled her eyebrows at me, “I am apparently pure hearted and my soul is still pure.” She scoffed making me smack her arm and her giggle.

I felt the glow of last night and reality decided now to hit me, “Oh crap!”

Luke was instantly by me pulling me to his chest with a growl, “What is it?!” he was looking around for danger.

I let out a small laugh pulling away from him, “It’s nothing bad, I just don't know what to do for school and my work… god they probably think I'm dead!”

Mary let out a small sigh, “Well they would have if I didn't cover for you and say you had a family emergency and I wouldn’t know how long till you got back.”

I grinned wrapping her in a tight hug and my wings wrapped tightly around her as well. She laughed hugging me back; I pulled back grinning, “OK, now that I'm back… and not dead’ I added quickly with a smile, ‘I guess our lives can go back to normal.”

Mary shook her head slightly, “Says the girl that is an angel, has the devil as a lover, and a human for a best friend.”

I giggled grabbing her hand while holding Luke’s arm, “Yep, but we are still here, and together. The Angel, the devil, and the human.” I grinned at them happily.

Mary rolled her eyes but smiled at me and Luke just gave me that heartwarming smile. At that moment I couldn't help but think.

‘What could possibly go wrong?’


so give me your options on what i should include in the next story. i will wait a week or so before i start it to get peoples ideas. i already have a general story line but if you want a part of your idea in the story just tell me!

thank you to all my dear readers and followers, without you i would have never finished this story and i hope you like the next book like you have liked this one.



and share with your friends!!!

the devil needed a ride (completed) (revising and editing) Where stories live. Discover now