Chapter 16: Final Farewells

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When we return to the car once again, I collapse into the seat and close my eyes. All the emotion that had been building up over the last few days flooding out. Using what little control I had, to not allow the tears to fall to my cheeks. Though they were stinging at me eyes as I tried to blink them away. Now I realise how exhausted I am feeling, how drained my every muscle feels, and the realisation that agony is burning through my skin sets in.

Faye and Lottie, now sleeping as though nothing had happened, and I hadn't been searching them for days. Were settled carefully in the arms of some of my most trusted friends, all the same however I feel cautious. Watching their every movements, like a hungry hawk watching for their next opportunity to eat.

After the events of recent weeks, it will probably take me a long time to be able to trust anybody else once again. Until then, I pitied the person who tried to touch or so much as look at my daughters without my approval in the next few weeks. My hand trembled a little bit, trying to ignore the pain created from the injury to my shoulder.

Before getting in the car, Edward hands off one of the twins, my eyes too tired to see which one, to Lisa who had her hands free. Then instructed me to sit on the seat but with my feet out of the car, he took my arm in his hands and jerked backwards as hard as he could manage considering he wasn't the strongest person in the world. I couldn't help the cry which tears from my throat as it is returned to its socket. I roll back my left shoulder, it still hurt. However it would heal quickly enough, and that was all that mattered.

Probably from the look I was giving her, Lisa returned the younger of my two daughters, Faye into my arms. The little girl squirmed slightly, as she adjusted to the new feeling of warmth. Looking up at me, with her dark green eyes, just like her mothers. I smile weakly, leaning down I brush a small lock of her short hair from in front of her eyes. "You will never know anything but safety and love for the rest of your life little one. I will make sure of this, no one is going to ever hurt you again. I give you my word." I whisper, choking a little on my words. Only praying that I would be able to keep up on these promises.

She would probably never remember this one sided conversation, nor did her innocent expression give tell to the fact that she may have understood the seriousness behind my words. But I loved her all the same, and she knew that. Or at least I very much hoped that she did. Until the day I died, regardless of how soon that might have been, I would make sure that no one would hurt her, neither of them.

All I wanted to do was to return them both to my wife, and then get through the rest of this day. If I managed this much, I would be alive to see my daughters grow up. Even if I died, I knew I would die fighting for a world which would be safer for people like my daughters to live in. Without having to be scared of anything. I wanted to see them both grow up, into the amazing women I knew that they would be. I hoped that they knew I would love them even if this might have been the last time I would see either of them.

Looking to my left, so that I could look out of the window for a moment. I try to rid my head of any thoughts that were now plaguing it. It was difficult to think positively, at a time like this. Where the battle of my life, of all our lives would soon ensue.

Ever the optimist, even at times when I severely wish that she wouldn't be. Lisa spoke up in a quiet tone, "At least we found them. And not with a moment to spare, we had 37 minutes 49 seconds left to find them. So we have forty minutes to get back to the others." She said, and I nod without a word. Then the engine started once again, remembering at the last minute to hand Charlotte back to Edward. Then we were back off in the direction of the headquarters.

We had barely had time to come to a stop, when William came running out of the building. "Sorry you lot, no time to stop. We've found out where its all going to go down, Lisa, I've sent you the coordinates. Try not to kill everybody before they can get to the battlefield." He warned her with an affectionate tone, and she nods with a laugh.

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