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Justin's p.o.v
After our crazy day at Disneyland me, Ari, Zac, and Vanessa decided to go to this really popular nightclub called "Lift" so my mom and the rest of the family were gonna go to downtown Disney and since lacy was pregnant she couldn't really come with so she decided to watch Ella for us.
Ari was on her phone while waiting in line and she looked so fine I could take her right now." I heard the Dj is taking request so imma go and ask for a song." Zac said while moving away with Vanessa by his side." You know you look gorgeous tonight." I said into Ariana's ear since it was really loud in here." So I didn't look gorgeous yesterday?" Ariana raised her eyebrows at me." That's not what I said." I stated while taking a swig of my Hennessy I ordered."mhm,ok lets go dance." Ariana said putting her bag and liquor down In the booth were at and taking my hand and leading me to the dance floor. Come my way by Fetty Wap was playing at the time. Ariana kept doing sexual moves on me and I swear I was sweating just with her grinding on me so I had to excuse my self and go and go back to our booth. While I was drinking some Ciroc Zac had came over here out of breath like he had been running or some shit.
"Justin what are you doing here just sitting here, Ariana's In trouble bro!" Zac said in a hurry catching my attention." Wait what do you mean she's in trouble?" I questioned but Zac didn't answer me instead he yanked my wrist and I'm assuming was taking me to the scene there was a small crowd around whatever was happening, but once I saw this guy with my Ariana pinned against the wall and Vanessa just standing there panicking I rushed over making my way to the action." WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" I screamed seeing Ariana struggling in this unknown mans grip. The man didn't bulge tho he just snapped his head towards me still pinning Ariana to the wall, where is security when you need them. "And who might you be?" The unknown man said with a sickening grin." I happen to be this very beautiful lady's boyfriend, and do you mind telling me who you are and what do you want with my girl?" I asked. All the guy did was laugh evilly making me anxious." Dude what is your problem." "Well my problem is you stole my girl and I'm taking her back!" He yelled making Ariana flinch." Whoa, whoa, whoa, who are you?" I said getting suspicious." Well me kind sir is Jai, Jai Brooks, and you happen to have my baby." Wait a minute that name sounds familiar, wait it can't be...... I remember now Jai is the guy that impregnated Ariana and just left without another word, this suddenly made my blood boil and all a sudden I was knocking the crap out of him and everybody in the club was trying to pry me off of him even Ariana." Justin please stop, for me." I heard Ariana plead and her soft voice made me stop and get up dusting off my clothes and I shoved Ariana into me giving her a long tight hug, from the corner of my eye I could see 'Jai' getting escorted out of the club with a broken nose and a busted lip." Woah man I didn't know you could pull off anything like that." Zac later spoke up " I didn't know either." I chuckled since being a father you don't everyday have to get into fights with your girlfriends ex." I'm going to get a drink." I informed Ariana before going over to the bar.
2 hours later
I was currently dancing with Ari, well Ari was pretty much dancing and I was just holding onto her waist and looking at her with lust and desire, what I can't help it I'm too drunk to function right now and I'm pretty sure Ariana could see it in my eyes." Babe come one lets go, your too drunk to function babe." Ariana said while leading me to the exit." Wait, when we get home will know...... Do it?" I asked hoping for a yes while slurring." Babe no, like I said your too drunk to function." Ariana stated again and walked up to Zac and Vanessa." Hey guys, we're gonna head home, because he's a little out of it." Ariana said whispering the last part while keeping a tight grip on me so I don't wonder off." Hey I have feelings too." I whined but started laughing when I thought of something." Yea, I'm like joy from inside out and also sadness." I said with a pouty face looking down." How do you handle that." Vanessa asked gesturing to the state I was in, I was currently doing the dougie because teach me how to dougie came on and I kinda had to." I honestly don't know, I guess it's just being a teacher and having a wild Italian family it just comes easy." I saw Ariana shrug." Oh well I guess we'll see you when we get back to the house." Zac said hugging Ariana and patting my back saying a quick sober up to me before we walked out of the nightclub and went in the car." Hey this is my car." I said while looking at Ariana who had her eyes on the road driving it." Yeah I know." Ariana stated still looking at the road." So why are you driving it, wait don't tell me your apart of the illuminati and your taking me to the secret place with all the dollar bills with triangles on them." I said looking at Ari with such interest but all she did was laugh and keep driving. Once we got the front door I noticed no one was home so the family was probably still at downtown Disney." Go to bed Justin." Ariana said while taking my clothes off and laying me down. She was about to exit our room when I pulled her back down by the wrist and begged her not to take a shower and just sleep with me.
"Good night Ari, I love you." I said hoping I'd get one back but lost hope when i heard silence." I love you too jay, I love you too." I heard Ari say. And that was the last thing I heard before I dozed off into my own little sleep.

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