Halloween and Horror Movies

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"You're seriously not going out tonight?"

"Why would I?" Magnus asked, swiveling around in his desk chair. He was decked out in black, but that seemed to be all he was going to do to celebrate Halloween.

The king of campus parties, not going out on the wildest night of the year (with the exception of Homecoming, of course)? Alec couldn't help but find that entirely suspicious. Especially since he himself was going to a party.

"Because it's you and the parties--"

"I do things other than party, Alexander."

"Don't call me that," Alec said, standing up. Magnus' undressing stare made him uncomfortable. In fact, most everything his roommate of little over two months did made him uncomfortable in one way or another.

"You're not going out."

"This isn't about me," Alec countered, idly messing around with the t-shirts in his dresser, refolding them. If Magnus knew he was going out, he'd get hell for not dressing up or even looking decent. But Alec wasn't going out to impress anyone.

"I do other things on Halloween."

"Like what?" Alec asked, turning around.

"You don't really care so why should I tell you?" Magnus asked, waving a dismissive hand. "Apparently all I am to you is just another brainless eighteen year old that uses college as an excuse to party."

"I do not," Alec mumbled.

"I get better grades than you," Magnus said, with a haughty smile.

"How do you--" Magnus pointed to the corkboard hanging over Alec's desk. On a little Post-It note was the login to Alec's grades. "I've got a 3.924 and you've got a 3.841."

"Lovely to know," Alec said, snatching the Post-It down and tossing it in the trash.

"I have it memorized."


"And if you must know," Magnus said, "I will be watching movies all night. You're welcome to join me."

Alec pressed his lips together, shutting the dresser drawer. "Maybe I will."

"You should," Magnus said, smirking again. He spun back around in his chair, leaving Alec to his thoughts.


When Alec returned from dinner, Magnus was covered in blankets, staring at the laptop. Whatever movie was playing casted dark light against Magnus' face, the only light in the otherwise pitch black room.

"What are you watching?" Alec asked, tossing his keys on his bed.

"Cabin in the Woods," Magnus said. "It'd be much better if Chris Hemsworth had his shirt off--"

"Just wait," Alec said, bored.

"You've seen it before?" Magnus asked.


"I don't understand horror movie logic. Like why would you even consider going in the basement-- Please stay out of the basement-- Oh my gosh, she's in the basement."

Alec smiled to himself, despite everything.

"Oh look a diary, let me just recite spells from it," Magnus mocked. "Are you truly that stupid?"

Alec collapsed onto his own bed, facedown.


Alec lifted his head a little. Magnus was standing beside his bed.

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