Chapter 6: Isabelle

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I walk up to Dylan and grab his wrist, turn around and run out and open the door and I see that there are people inside so I go outside to the boat house and unlock the lock and walk in and I let go of Dylan's wrist and sit down and Dylan sits down right across from me and I ask him a question I've been wanting to ask him for a long time.

"Do you wanna go out with me?" I ask. He had a shocked look on his face and doesn't answer for a while and I start to get nervous then he finally answers.

Then the most dreaded words come out of his mouth; "I'll have to think about it." Then he gets up and walks out and I almost cry. I slowly get up and walk out and I see Jordan waving me over and I still slowly walk up the rest of the way and Jordan sees what's wrong and he runs up and gives me a hug and I start to cry and push Jordan away and run inside and up to my room and I hear Dylan and Jordan talking but they soon started yelling and I got up and open the door so I can hear what they're saying and I hear my brother threaten to punch Dylan for saying that and that's when I had to put a stop to this and I run outside and grab Jordan's wrist before he punches Dylan and ruins things for me and I say "What the heck is wrong with you, Jordan you are being way to overprotective of me please, calm down a little bit for me." He starts to calm down and I tell him to come inside and I tell Dylan to stay outside and he does and Jordan follows me up to my room and I say, "Don't you dare go after Dylan like that," I lower my voice "Remember that he's a werewolf and he could tear you into shreds," I snap my fingers "Just like that. So don't forget what I just told you." I hear my mom calling our names and so I reply "I'm hanging out with Jordan up here!"

"Okay, Izzy!" Mom says.

"Anyway, leave Dylan alone, I don't want you to get killed by him because you ticked him off. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Izzy I understand. Please stop digging your nails into my arm sis." I look at his arm and I let go almost immediately, "Sorry Jordan, I didn't realize that I was."

Then, my alarm went off and I thought about that while I was getting ready for school, I don't have a brother, do I? I thought confused and a little bit scared and I stopped by the guest room and peeked in, hmm, I wonder if this was Jordan's room before it was the guest room, I thought. Then I walked to the bathroom and I saw that the door was closed so I knocked on it and a deep voice came from the other side that wasn't dad's and it asked; "Who is it?"

"Who is this?!" I asked, getting more and more nervous by the second.

"Izzy. It's me, your brother Jordan. Who else would it be?" He said.

"Brother?!" I shrieked and I heard mom calling for me and I ran downstairs as fast as I could and asked, "S-since when did I have a brother mom?"

"Oh, Jordan was asked to join a pack when you three were five or six years old and he came to take you, Annabelle, and Cecily to do the pack ritual joining thing. That's why he's back." I was still so confused because I wasn't ready to join Dylan's pack. I ran back upstairs and saw that Jordan was waking everyone else up and I walk into Anna's room and tap Jordan on the shoulder.

"Don't wake up Cecily, she's not joining the pack I made a deal with Dylan last night saying that I wanted her to have a normal life other than the fact that she's a freaking hunter and a werewolf and so please leave her alone because everyone else is going so please Jordan leave Cece alone." I said worried that Dylan didn't tell him to leave her alone. "Don't worry about it Dylan already told me to leave her alone alright calm down a bit."

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