Chapter 4: Annabelle

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When we were on our way home I was so confused that I just let my sister drive and tried to figure out if this was a practical joke or not but Izzy kept on denying that it was and I finally gave up still unconvinced on whether this was a practical joke or not so I was a little bit upset at Izzy for tricking me, if she was I would tear off her head in her sleep. But then again I did fight that thing and that was not a human in a suit and it wasn't a wolf or a bear either. I think its a werewolf. I think my dad is the werewolf I hit.

Later at home I notice that my dad's bruise is gone and I go up to my bedroom to do research on werewolves and this is what I find:

Traditionally, there were several ways that a person could become a werewolf. In her book "Giants, Monsters, and Dragons," folklorist Carol Rose notes that "In ancient Greece it was believed that a person could be transformed by eating the meat of a wolf that had been mixed with that of a human and that the condition was irreversible." Centuries later other methods were said to create werewolves, including "being cursed, or by being conceived under a new moon, or by having eaten certain herbs, or by sleeping under the full moon on Friday, or by drinking water that has been touched by a wolf." It was also widely believed that werewolves could dress in a special, protective wolf skin, though they had to remove it at daybreak and hide it. If their magical pelt was found and taken from the werewolf-in-human-form, he or she could be killed.

Though the full moon was originally only one of many possible causes of lycanthropy, it was the one that stuck in the public's mind. Today, today many people still associate the werewolves and a full moon with madness. Some who work in police and emergency medical services have anecdotally claimed that full moon nights are busier, crazier, and more dangerous than other nights. This perception may be rooted more in psychology and imagination than reality: carefully controlled studies have not found good evidence supporting this idea. Furthermore, there is no known mechanism by which the moon would somehow influence a person's mind to make him or her more dangerous - except of course for their own imaginations and expectations. Werewolves can also heal fast; bruises heal in about a half day and cuts and stab wounds take about one to two days to heal. Silver and wolfsbane can kill werewolves.

My dad is a werewolf. I picked my laptop up off my desk and ran into Izzy's room and showed her the article. "Yeah, so? What's the problem?" She said, after she was done reading the article, confused. "The problem is that remember dad's bruise on his jaw?" I said slightly annoyed that she didn't catch on to what I was trying to tell her. "Yeah. What abou-" She finally realized what was going on. "You think dad is a werewolf? But that's impossible that would mean that we are half werewolf. But we haven't transformed yet." She said, and she was right, but then I remember reading something else about the werewolf growing pattern. "We are half werewolf that means that it takes longer for us to transform on our first full moon. We won't transform until two or three more years because we are not as strong and it takes longer for us to develop." I said and Izzy didn't seem convinced at all. "But what makes you think that we are even werewolves. For all we know Cecily could be a werewolf full bred and we would have to kill her and so what makes you think that we are even werewolves?" She said getting more and more upset with each word she said. "I know we are werewolves because the website said that if a werewolf and a human have children then two out of three of the children will be half-blood werewolves and one out of three children will be a full blood werewolf." I said. I was only estimating the amount of children that the family would have.

Then when I was about to walk out of her room I saw my sister standing at the doorway. "Did you really just figure out that dad's a werewolf?" She said acting like a little brat. "How did you know that? Are you a hunter too and did Carly tell you that you are one or was it her little sister Jaden?" I ask, flooding her with questions. "No I already knew. I figured it out by myself. Why do you think mom's always gone. Isn't it obvious? They have a forbidden love. Oh and Izzy is a werewolf but not a hunter like us. you kinda got that wrong because, all offspring of a werewolf and human is a halfblood werewolf and a hunter and a werewolf is three out of the four children are hunters not the other way around." She said, matter-of-factly.

"Well then JJ isn't a hunter but she's a werewolf right?" I asked, confused. "Yes she is a werewolf. She is a full blood werewolf unlike us but she is half human not half hunter." She said, and I realized that my all of my sisters-except one-are half-bred werewolves and my dad is a full-bred werewolf. That means that he can teach us to control our powers on a full moon and all of our strength. So my sister, Cecily is a hunter too so that means that we could be like the Winchesters Sam, and Dean. We are never going to be enemies though because we had an unbreakable bond that no one could sever.

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