Chapter 2: Annabelle

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The next morning my sister was trying to figure out what to wear to school and was freaking out about going on a date and was asking us for advice (which she knew very well couldn't give it) and was crazy nervous about the OAA's coming up and said that she would fail and all kinds of stuff that teenagers do (I don't do that anymore) and freaked out the whole way to school.

I was filling out an application to a boarding school and was excited to go but I was leaving all my friends behind and was sad I had to leave my family. I was also nervous about it and emotions washed over me.

Later when I was walking home from school I saw the "wolf" I was worried about it attacking but I saw something else in its eyes like fear, worry, and then rage, and I let out a scream and ran...

Later I was locked in my room and in bed safe from that monster. Autumn texted me again and I answered in fear:

AUTUMN: where r u


AUTUMN: OK I'll b there in 5 min

Anna: K

When Autumn got there she was freaking out and ran up to my room and was flipping out and yelling and I almost thought she would wake everybody up and I yelled, " Shut the heck up you're gonna wake the whole neighborhood up!"

"Sorry I was being chased by a wolf or a monster or something. I don't know what's real anymore Anna, help me, please." she said, desperate.

"Okay, okay tell me what it looked like."

"It was walking on its back legs like a human but its face looked like a wolf and it was covered in black fur and had razor sharp—"

Then there was a loud crash in the living room and I told Autumn to stay there and grabbed my dad's old drywall ax that he gave me when the report about a wolf in town came on in case something like this happened and crept downstairs and it was right in front of me and I ran outside and it chased me and I ran into the trees behind my house and turned around, stopped and started hitting it with my dad's ax and I hit it in the jaw and knocked it out then I ran back to the house and closed the door washed the ax off and ran upstairs to find Autumn with a shocked look on her face. "Wha— how did you— how did you do that?!?!?!"

"Runs in the family I guess." I said as I shrugged my shoulders and laughed.

I woke up at 5:30 A.M. and saw Autumn asleep and I went downstairs to find that the monster was gone, I almost screamed but I regained my composure and went back inside and walked upstairs and decided to check the house, I looked in my mom and dad's room and they were asleep, then I looked in Cecily's room and saw that she was asleep and then I looked in Izzy's room and she was asleep also. Then I looked in Jaden's room and saw that she was in bed too and relaxed almost immediately and went back to bed.

My alarm went off at 7:00 and I checked the house once again and everyone was up and getting ready for the day when I noticed a bruise on my dad's face where I hit the werewolf— that's what I'm assuming it was— "What happened dad?" I asked puzzled. "Oh an accident at work. I got called in late again. No big deal." He said as if there wasn't a worry in the world. then Carly texted me:

Carly: hey u @ home still?

Anna: yeah i just woke up actually

Carly: could u and ur sister come over after school today?

Anna: yeah my mom and dad won't have a problem with it let me ask Izzy

' "Hey Iz do you want to go to Carly's with me after school today?" I ask like I did almost every day.

"Yeah of course!" She said and she looked like she was hiding something from me that she just remembered.

Anna: she said yeah what r u hiding from me?

Carly: nothing why do u ask that at all

Anna: because Izzy looked like she was hiding something that's all

Carly: oh no not at all i don't know why she would be hiding something from u none at all

Anna: ok see ya later Carly :)

Carly: bye!

Later as I was walking with Izzy to her car I noticed that she was fidgeting with her glasses like she always does when she wants to tell me something but she can't. "What's wrong Iz?" I asked, almost too scared to ask.

"Oh, it's nothing I'm just nervous that's all." She said she looked like she was gonna throw up.

"Ok whatever you say Izzy." I said, completely unconvinced. And that's when everything went downhill.

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