Chapter 3: Isabelle

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When we were walking up the stairs to Carly's room I noticed that my sister looked really worried about what would happen and I told her not to worry about anything and told her nothing bad will happen. "Ok Izzy whatever." Anna said again an edge of worry to her voice. "It feels like we're in a horror movie that's all" She said, jokingly. I knew better than to laugh at that and instead I said this, "Please don't joke around like that Anna this isn't a funny situation and you will understand why it isn't in a second." Then I made my sister even more worried by saying that. That was a big mistake because she started asking to many questions and I tried everything to calm her down from talking to her to answering her questions that didn't go to far into the whole hunter business and then I gave up when we got to Carly's room.

"Hey, Izzy." Mary said a big smile on her face. "Hi, Mary what's up?" I said as if nothing is wrong when I knew that there was a possibility of getting Anna sent to the insane asylum for the rest of her life.

"Nothing just hanging out with everyone." She said gesturing to my friends around the room. Then I noticed that everyone got quiet and I walked over to Carly to ask her something important: "Hey, Carly what kind of supernatural creature are you?"

"I am a changeling demon but don't worry I am not evil despite the fact that I am a demon. If I have an item that is important to a person that has recently passed away, like if they were murdered I feel their last moments before they died I think what they were thinking and regular people like you or Mary and so that is why I my appearance didn't change yesterday." She said, I still didn't understand but I still listened to her and nodded my head like I understood what she was saying. But I knew I heard about what Carly was somewhere before I just couldn't remember where. I'd have to research that later.

Carly walked back in her room and started talking in the same tone she used on me when she was telling me about the attack and the people that went missing, the search party and the "supernatural search party" ordeal and when Anna asked what she meant she was calm and relaxed as if she was at school and the teacher was explaining what they were teaching again to my sister she was confused and was beginning to understand what the teacher meant. Then my friends changed like they did yesterday. I still couldn't believe that my best friends that I've known since kindergarten and preschool had been werewolves, vampires, demons, and so many other supernatural creatures it was unbelievable but I knew it was real. Then my sister screamed and she ran out of the room I chased after and grabbed her ponytail and pulled her back. It took me a while to calm her down but, eventually, she did. "What was that? Did you drug me? I swear if you did I will kill you. Really I will." She said angrier than I've ever seen her. "No I didn't drug you, I saw it, too. They really are what you saw and you are a hunter." I said calmly, although on the inside I was furious with her.

"What are you talking about?! Wha-What is a hunter?!" She said infuriated.

"A hunter is a person that has special abilities that hunts evil supernatural creatures like demons, werewolves and vampires. My friends aren't evil though there are good and evil demons and supernatural creatures like there are good and evil people in the world." I said. "You are a hunter and so am I."

"Ok sis thanks for actually explaining that to me instead of 'showing' me like Carly did." She laughed. It felt like we were actually sisters again and not just friends. I think us being hunters will bond us more and keep us from fighting like we always do.

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