Chapter 24

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Then I realised, he leaned in, even closer.

My heart tightens everytime I felt his breath against my face. Part of me wanted to push him off, but at the same time I wanted to just stay in that position forever. I'm enjoying this a little bit too much, aren't I?

I couldn't help but stare down at his luscious lips, waiting to meet mine. To go, or not to go for it - I couldn't think straight, and only time could decide.

So I just stayed frozen, my hands still clenching the edge of the bed. Taehyung was still over me, and he was just raising an eyebrow while looking down at me, waiting for my answer.

Knock, knock.

Darn, something just always had to ruin the moment.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, pushing himself off me and rushing out of the room to get to the door.

Whilst he was out of my sight, I took the time to catch my breath and process every single that just happened seconds ago. He knows how to make me insane, and then claims he did it for the sake of humour.

I gulped, sitting up then pushing myself off the bed to stand up. My legs were still trembling as I took steps towards the door, peeping outside. I saw Taehyung welcoming the men who were supposed to bring in our furnitures.

Honestly they could only bring in our couch and the boxes of our belongings, then left - leaving me and Taehyung alone again in the house. The fact that the apartment was small made me feel more uncomfortable because I had no personal space to hide away from Taehyung.

It only meant that I'd be facing him most of the time when we're home.

I quickly hid in the bedroom, sitting on the bed before Taehyung could.

I heard footsteps coming towards the room I was in. "Wanna go out?" he asked a simple question but it made my heart raced, probably because of what he did earlier.

"To where?" I asked him.

"To eat," he answered, leaning against the door frame, "You're paying."

He's still the same old Taehyung who makes me pay for every meal we're having together.

"I'll pay for your meal, I'll get the room," I tried to make a deal, but he didn't seem to be pleased.

He sighed, walking towards me, "Let's split the room to half."

"But the bed..."

"I'll sleep at the living room okay, you can sleep on the bed. But the space in the closet, on the shelf, and in the drawer, has to be split. I've got to keep my lion stuffed toys," he explained.

"You'll sleep in the living room?" My eyes lit up, "Woah it's rare to hear you sounding like a gentleman."

"I'm changing my mind."

"Okay okay fine, thanks," I grinned at him.

"Let's unpack our stuffs first, then we'll head out for lunch," he said, and I nodded.

We both brought in the boxes into the room, and started unpacking them, arranging the stuffs on the compartments available. In between, we were kinda arguing for space, and most of the time, Taehyung won.

I was putting my clothes into my side of the closet, when suddenly Taehyung asked me, "Who gave you these?"

I turned around to look at him holding the bouquet of flower Seojun gave me.

My eyes widened in shock. I ran towards him to snatch back the flowers, but Taehyung reacted fast, holding up the flower up high so that I couldn't reach it.

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