chapter 32

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A week has passed since the incident between Emily and Derrick at the mall. I have to admit , its been difficult to forgive him. There's no way that I will forgive her though not after what all she has done to ruin my life. Right now im at Brittany's house. She decided that a girls night in was the best thing for me right now.

"ugh. I'm bored Brittany. Let's find something to do?" I said, laying on her couch upside down with my feet in the air. I tossed a chip at her. She turned around quickly with an inquisitive look .on her face. "what, sorry I zoned out.what did you say?"

"I said ugh I'm bored let's find something to do." She gave me a strange look and them burst out laughing."I have an idea" she said."oh no I don't like that look, your up to something. I'm scared now." I said teasingly.

She picked up the phone from off of the table. "ever made a prank call?"

"yeah, "I lied. "lots of times." she tossed the phone to me. "Okay then show me what you've got."

I picked up the phone and dialed a random number. 459-773-2110. They answered on the third ring. "hello?"

"yes" I answered. "mam is your refrigerator running? Well you better go catch it " I finished before she could respond and then hung up the phone.

"do you realize how bad that was.I mean that its seriously lame."

"I can do better." I picked up the phone and dialed dominos. "dominos pizza what can I do for you today?"

"yes, I would like 3 large pepperoni pizzas, 4 anchovy pizzas, and 10 Canadian bacon." I said in my best French accent.

"okay, let me repeat that order, you said you wanted 3 large pepperoni pizzas, 4 anchovy pizzas, and 10 Canadian bacon."

"yes that's correct."I said fighting back a laugh.

"alright now where will this be delivered?"

"1102 squire drive."

"okay, it'll be about an hour due to the size of your order."

"no problem" I said. I hung up the phone, and looked at Brittany with her facial expression seeming to be shocked. It was surprisingly funny when she suddenly burst out laughing. "well that was a delayed reaction."I said laughing.

"do you know how mad mr.parkens will be when the go to deliver 16 pizzas to his door step. "

I grinned."actually it's 17"she laughed at me. "that's even worse."

We sat there for about forty give minutes until Brittany got up and suggested that we hide in her bushes since we could see his front porch but he couldn't see us.

We went to her room and dressed in all black. Then hid in her bushes. We watched and had to shush each other because we kept having to fight an uncontrollable urge to laugh till we cried at the thought of that little vein popping out of his forehead.

"shh" I said as the pizza deliverer pulled up. We sat and watched as he struggled with the stack of pizzas larger than his path of vision. He almost tripped over a yard knome but successfully maintained his balance as he staggered to the door.

He rung the doorbell and waited. the door finally swing open. "what the h#/+?" He said as the pizza boy told him what each pizza was, and the total."I didn't order any pizzas, is this some kind of joke? Who would order 17 pizzas? Do I look fat to you?" He said, his face getting redder by the minute. He pushed the pizza boy away and then slammed the door. The pizza boy walked away in defeated. it was then that I remembered why I loved having girl time with Brittany.

- well, what'd ya think? Funny chapter?

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