Chapter 6- Odin

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Happy Halloween!

It was at night when a storm hit us. I could hear some nervousness around the village, some of them talking about a dragon called Skrill.

From what I could gather is that they only came out during a storm and is known for traveling with lightning.

I didn't know what to make of this until the first blast hit us. Now I was surprised when a dragon that was purple with large wings and spikes on it's back traveling to it's tail came out of the storm.

Instead of breathing fire it had to power to summon lightning, reminding me of Jason in a way. But I was getting fed up at it was destroying the village and the dragons were too afraid.

Hiccup and Toothless were already about to go to it but I had this feeling in me. I knew that I had to beat them there.

So I took off before them not listening to Hiccup trying to call me back, but not knowing what to call me.

I reached the Skrill and it tried to shot lightning at me, anticipating this I dodged and let loose a growl.

Not a normal growl but one that made my boy that illuminate in the dark grow a tad bit brighter and this time green. My green eyes also flashed and the dragon instead went into a submission pose.

I growled at him and tried to get into a small ball. Knowing that he has stopped this foolishness, I could tell the dragon was still young, I stopped and stood straighter.

Clouds overhead and thunder in the distance but no more destruction.

The dragon took a sort of bow to me and seemed to have calmed. I was gathering attention though and instantly turned around but my eyes connected with the Skrill.

I just knew the Skrill didn't need to live in storms but rather liked them started to follow me, I lead him away from the group and only knew that Hiccup, Hiccup's mother, and Toothless were following.

"This is amazing. We are actually able to see a Skrill." Hiccup said his voice in awe.

"It is quite amazing how the Light Fury was able to calm the other one." Valka said as she moved close to me and started to pet my head.

I didn't mind but it was a little strange now that I really think about it. But than the Skrill sort of whined and looked pointly at the storm. I nodded a stiff nod and the Skrill took off back into the storm.

This time no more blasting at the village, you could somewhat see the Skrill in the storm but it was hanging out. It was in it's sort of home, protected at the eye of the storm.

"You are full of mysteries." Hiccup muttered as she pet me. I couldn't but help grin.

"We could call him Odin, Odin is derived from the Old Norse word 'odr', which means 'fury or inspiration'. In Norse mythology, 'Odin' was the chief god of war, wisdom and death. And it just feels like he was sent from the heavens above, from the land far away. From the Norse gods." Valka suggested.

I didn't mind being called that, it would be very interesting though.

"I like it." Hiccup said with a grin.

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