Unforgettable Tony Stark X Reader

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You didn't want to be known as another one night stand. But you have had so many that you had adopted the term so long ago. It wasn't something you were proud of, sleeping with men, sometimes women, every time you went to an event, bar or club. You just caught up in the heat of the moment, that was all. Half the time you couldn't even remember how you got there, who it was with, or how you left the morning after. You wondered if that person had slipped something in your drink, causing you to forget most of the night. It not like you were addicted to sex, there were just so many fine people in the world, plus you were drunk, too.

Your job as as a celebrity media reporter did get you into some of the most exquisite shows and outings. You had worked your way up from local news reporter than no one new about to one of the most famous news anchors in the country. Meeting celebrities was just in the job description, paparazzi wasn't necessarily. It was especially difficult when you left the motel or apartment of some headliner bachelor or bachelorette and the cameras and flashed were with you every step of the way home.

But you never imagined you would be entangled in the cream silk sheets of none other than Tony Stark.

Tony was perhaps one of the biggest stars in Hollywood in this day and age. Along with being a handsome billionaire and single, he was also the Avenger Ironman. He had ties with almost every form of business, as his was one of the biggest in the industry. You could hardly imagine meeting him for an interview, one that would surely help your career skyrocket even more. But here you are, in Tony's personal home, in his bed, laying right next to him. You knew getting out of this one would by much more difficult.

Just one peek. You thought to yourself. Turning you head to face him, the man was clearly still out. His hair an adorable mess, lips pink and puckered from being squished against the pillow. You couldn't afford to wake him up, not with his status. He probably had some alarm in his room that every time he woke up, the media would know and they would be at his doorstep.

You crept out of bed, grabbing one of his shirts from the closet, since you couldn't find your own clothing. Maybe in was in the living room?

With light steps, you made your way down to the huge space that was his living room. Still not finding your clothes, you wondered if they might have ended up somewhere else.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" A voice rang out from behind you.

You turned and saw the one and only Pepper Potts with a dry cleaning bag in her hand. "Oh! I am so sorry about all of this, I couldn't find my clothes and now I'm wandering the house like a creep. I'm terribly sorry." You apologize quickly. You knew what Pepper was like, having had many interviews with her about Stark Industries.

"Not to worry, (Y/N), they are right here. I had the dry cleaned and pressed." She handed you the clothing.

"Thank you! You didn't need to do this." You said, quite surprised.

"The bathroom is the second door to the right down that hall." She pointed out. "I had a taxi called and is waiting to drop you off at whatever destination."

"Than you so much Pepper." You knew to treat her with respect. Pepper was basically running Tony's business, plus you have seen some of the other reporters that visit Tony's house for the night. They weren't exactly pleased with Pepper. You figured that they must've pissed her off.

You had quickly changed, folding Tony's shirt on the bathroom sink. You thanked Pepper one last time before getting into the taxi and heading home.

"Pepper?" Tony yawned, waking out to the living room.

"Your finally awake. Your guest just left." She informed her boss.


"Yes, (Y/N) (L/N)."

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