Sight Isn't Always Needed Loki Laufeyson X Blind!Reader

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Requested by BlueBlobb thank you! Bit of an AU, no Avengers besides Loki, but he will be around just as often!

Blackness. In the dark. No light. Yet, it never bothered you much anyway. People would criticize or look down upon you with pity in there eyes that you couldn't see. But you didn't care. Just one less thing you had to keep track of, seeing.

But there was just one stranger who seemed to be incredibly intrigued with you. He wasn't always around, but often enough to easily recognize his voice. Loki was his name, remembering it from Norse mythology, but just thinking his parents had vast imaginations. When you first met him, you had mixed emotions, since the Loki you read about was mean, cruel, and cold hearted. But you warmed up with him, soon you considered him a very close friend, not that you had many. You found out we was gentle and caring, the complete opposite of what other picture him to be.

He kept you company in your desolate days, sitting at home. But when he did meet you, whether at your apartment, a coffee shop, or walking around town, you were happier, more enjoyable. And he always left a small present when he left, food or gifts of new Braille books. Occasionally money, since your current job didn't pay much.

You didn't have much of a job, working at your town's local, yet extremely large library. Being able to read the Braille under the labels to find out where to return the borrowed books. It was one of the few places that had offered a blind woman like you a job. But these people knew you since you were a girl, you knew every turn, every shelf, every nook to read in this place that you didn't even bother bringing your walking cane with you to work. It was peace and love and books all wrapped up into one.

As you sat in your usual spot by the window. You had your neighbor, conveniently a carpenter, to install a ledge by the window. You placed cushions, blankets, and pillows and made it your reading nook. The days usually ended like this, a hot cup of coffee on the small table near the ledge, your fingers tracing over the little bumps pulled from the paper. This book was one of Loki's, The Outsiders. So far you love the book, and you could relate to the boys. Always being on the outside, whether a Greaser or blind, it was still the same cold.

"I see you quite enjoy that book. You have almost read half of that book since I gave it to you on.. Ah, what day was it?" Loki popped into your apartment, you had quickly gotten used to his random appearances.

You smiled gently and looked in the direction of the wonderful voice you have come to find as music in your ears. "Tuesday I think it was, right after my late shift at the library. You had offered to walk me home, and you left the book on the counter."

"I remember, that was only two days ago. You must miss me if you have read that much." You heard him smile from his tone.

"I must admit, you are my only friend that I have besides the library." You sat up and grabbed your mug, draining it. You set you book down on the little table and got up to go refill your mug.

"Let me get it." Loki offered.

"No, no," You put up your hand to stop him, yet it landed on his firm chest. You blushed. "I uhh I got it." You stammered and scurried to the kitchen. You knew your living space like you knew the library, no need for a cane.

Loki only grinned, knowing you couldn't see it. But you knew he was. You don't have much physical contact with anyone, afraid they would brake you just from the lightest brushing of a finger. So placing you hand on his chest was certainly awkward, yet you felt something. Something you had always yearned for, a spark.

"I'm sorry I touched you." Your blank eyes stared at the floor, head bowed just a bit. Not knowing whether you should feel bad by this action since it happens so rarely.

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