Track & Field Day Pietro Maximoff X Reader

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Requested by AmazingHorseGirl Thank you! Just warning OOC if possible, but I don't think too much, and it may be a little shorter, but it will be fluffy!


You and your speed demon of a boyfriend were at a local school's track. He wanted to see just how fast he could run 400m, 800m, and 1600m. You thought is was ridiculous, since there was no point in you trying to time him, since according to him, you were too slow.

"I am not slow! I have the average speed for a normal human. But to you, everything is slow." You scoffed, twirling around he stopwatch by the string attracted to it.

"No, no, I think it is just because you are slow, more than the average human." Pietro grinned, pecking your cheek.

"Oh cmon Pietro!" You pouted. "If you continue with these slow insults , I won't time you." You warned playfully.

"Love, no, I'm sorry, there better?" He asked, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Yeah, yeah, better. Your just lucky that I love you." You smiled, poking his chest.

"I guess I am." He pulled you in for a tight hug.

"And your lucky it's a Saturday, otherwise everyone at school would skip it to watch you." You pulled back and waved the stop watch the the air. "Ya ready?"

"Of course." He stepped up to the line, behind the giant 1 painted on the track.

"Go!" You shouted.

You couldn't even follow him, and tire your hard to find him, but you were too late when you flt a presence behind you.

"You forgot to stop it, darling." Pietro clicked the stop button on the watch as you turned around to meet his grin.

"S-shut up. I haven't really tried to time you before, I mean I've seen you run, but multitasking like that... heh heh..." You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly.

"It's alright, next time, yeah?" He smiled and lined back up on the line.

"Still a 400 or what?" You asked.

"One more 400, then a 800." He nodded.

"Ready, set, PIE!" You yelled, which made Pietro run, but then stop instantly.

"Gotcha!" You snickered as he walked over. "You were acting like Dean Winchester when he hears pie."

"Who is this Dean Winchester?" Pietro questioned. "Do I need to fight him?"

"N-no, you don't need to fight him, he is from a show. Again?" You asked,

"Yes, last time, you better get the time." He winked and stepped up, once again.

"Yeah, yeah, anddddddd GO!"

This time you were actually able to follow his running, well sort of, you just pressed the stop button when you thought he crossed the line. You looked at the time, roughly 2 seconds it took him to run 400m, of course you were impressed! Sure, you may have seen him run about a million times, but   timing him and actually seeing just how fast he could go was incredibly cool.

"And? What is my time?" Pietro asked, he wasn't out of breath, well of course not self.

"About 2 seconds, you held up the stop watch to show him the time." You said.

"I bet I could go faster if I tried more." He grinned.

"Faster?! No, no, your gonna loose your feet if you do that." You exclaimed.

"But I haven't, so my feet must be pretty sturdy." Pietro shrugged. "We will do 800m now."

You had timed him through a few laps of both 400m and 800m, each time getting a little bit faster. You were getting used to timing him and figured out that once he turned the last curve, that's when you click stop. He had tried to get you to run a 400m, and you about died of laughter, you didn't run!

"Love, why are you laughing? Did I say something funny?" Pietro asked.

"yeah, you put me and running in the same sentence." You giggled.

Pietro rolled his eyes. "Okay, one 1600m and then we can go home, yeah?"

"Okay, sure." You nodded, stop watch in position. "Go!"

You watched him run the first, second, and third lap, all incredibly fast. But you ended losing him on the fourth lap. You didn't see him on the track, where the hell did he go? Sure, he was hard to detect running with just the naked eye, but Pietro was no where to be found.

Suddenly, you felt two strong arms wrap around you waist, turn you around and a pair of lips crashed on yours. You knew it was him, and so you kissed back eagerly, hands running through his silvery locks.

"I bet you didn't see that one coming?" He asked, pulling back, resting his forehead on yours.

You laughed. "No, I did not."

Author's Note

First Pietro one! Yay! I love Pietro, little cutie.

I really don't know what to say, besides the fact that I will be doing preferences now! So if you got an idea in mind, SAY THAT SHIT RIGHT HERE!

I love you

Until next oneshot,


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