Are You Serious

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I woke up groggily. It felt all too familiar but at least I knew I was safe and where I belonged this time. But then I remembered something. Shooting out of bed and throwing the covers off of me I looked down at my... Attached arm?

Had that all been a dream then? My fight with Hisoka. Hearing him tell Chrollo that his love for me would be the death of both of us? A dream? For some reason I didn't want it to be, even if I really couldn't have my arm back.

"Ryuk?" A soft and calm voice burst through my eardrums. I turned my head to the voice to see Chrollo sitting up...

In the same bed as me.

"Ahhhhh! What are you doing pervert!?! Get out of my bed!" I yelled while jumping out of it instead and running out of the room. I slinked down in the hall against the door and covered by cherry red face with my hands.

"That was terrifying. Absolutely terrifying." But I'm more excited then nervous to be honest. Oh god. I felt so t. That bubble of excitement welling up in my chest. I needed to do a victory dance and scream at the tip of my lungs.

But I held it in. Suddenly the door flew open and I ended up on the floor with a sharp pain where the ground hit the back of my head.

"Ow." I whimpered and opened my eyes to see an amused Chrollo looming over me. I immediately glared.

"What are you looking at? At least help me up. This is your fault anyway!" He chuckled and made me savor the sound as he helped me to my feet. However... Why oh why can't he just be like a normal person?

Instead of just helping me up he crushed me to him and whispered huskily into my ear.

"I know your excited Ryuk. Why don't you just be honest with yourself and allow me to show you how excited I can really get you?" Red. I was red. And not cherry or Scarlet. I looked like a sunburned strawberry. Oh god. His voice. His scent. His.... Chest? Shirtless chest?

I can't remember what happened after I blacked out after that moment

Time skip.

"Your finally awake again Ryuk?" My whole body stiffened. This time it wasn't Chrollo. It was Phinks. Which was even worse. Because that means he knows I passed out. Which means he wasn't gonna let me hear the end of it. Ever.

"Y-yeah... I guess I am ha ha." I gave an awkward chuckle as he just watched me.

"How long have you been here?" His question caught me off guard. I jerked my head to him and thought while I stared him down.

"I think about a year why?" I asked curiously. He just shrugged and walked away. I tick mark appeared on my forehead. That bastard! Asking me something so mysteriously and then walking away like nothing happened. Che. Stupid eyebrowless jack ass.

I sighed as I sat up and stretched. When my hands landed on on the pillow next to me they also landed in paper. I looked down at it. What was this.


Was all that was written on the front of it. The paper was heavy. It was definitely expensive. May hands shook as I opened it. I knew that handwriting anywhere. Was Phinks being so mysterious because of this note? Was I being abandoned.

We're not abandoning you so don't think that we are. That first line pissed me off. Why the hell does he know me so fricking well? I went in to read the rest.

I have a proposal to you. I would like for you to consider this and take your time before giving me your answer for it will not be reversible once it's done. I know you are scared of running into your father, and I have news on a hunter he has hired to get rid of you. That hunter is currently in our torture room with Feitan and awaiting your presence.

My proposal is to get information on your father's where abouts and kill him. So you have nothing to fear any longer. And to insure you stay with the Troupe for as long as your life allows you to. Because to be frank Ryuk, I don't want you to leave.

And if the remote possibility of you being killed happened, I'm not sure I could control myself to not order the Troupe to revenge you by killing everyone that we set our sights on.

My other proposal is to belong solely to myself. To never allow yourself to belong to another man again. And together you and I will be the leader and the home of the Phantom Troupe. With no worries of someone trying to come claim your life. We will track down Hisoka and kill him, I'll make sure he doesn't touch you again.


That's it? Chrollo. That's the end? Well what the hell am I supposed to stay to that? I'm pretty much being asked to kill my father and marry a guy all in the same note? How am I supposed to respond to this?

Chrollo POV

I had my head bent and was reading my page until suddenly the door slammed open and a flare of aura caught everyone in the room off guard. I looked up with an amused face to none other than a pissed of Ryuk.

"Did you get my letter?" I asked her innocently as everyone else watched her carefully.

"Letter? This is fucking confusing!" She shouted before going on to mock my voice. "Uh I propose that we kill your father. Oh and you should marry me too so we can run off into the fucking sunset together." I chuckled at her horrible mockery along with the others in the room.

"And what is your answer?" I asked her and adoring the light shade of pink that fisted her cheeks when I asked. Hisoka may have been able to get her blood thirsty, but he would never be able to see her this way. Ever. Only I can see this side of her.

"W-w-well... Uhm... When you ask so directly.... I kind of... Well... Ugh. Just..." She was so flustered. How does she manage to do this to my emotions so easily? She doesn't even try.

"I guess it doesn't sound like a horrible idea. I mean... If that old man died then I could finally be happy. And I have always wanted a big family. A guess a relationship doesn't sound all that bad..." Her voice kept getting quieter until I could hardly even hear her anymore. But I still caught it. And I felt victorious. More so than I have with any massacre or treasure.

Yo. So I know it kind of suddenly got super serious but I think almost 20 chapters is enough time for Ryuk and Chrollo to get to know each other. It's about time they actually started going steady. Don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you so much for reading guys .

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