To Protect you

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"Because that's how we are Ryuk. But we aren't heartless. We avenge our fallen comrades. They know they are my limbs and they would die to protect the Spider. I am the head, but I'm not the most important thing among us. If it means saving the head and saving the Spider itself, they'll always choose the Spider.

And now you're part of the Troupe. You're the web. The web has to protect the Spider. Do you understand that Ryuk? If you don't want to see us die then you have to protect us. The web protects the Spider just as much as the Spider protects the web. I've already decided this. Your abilities are special. You're Ryuk, our web, and the only thing in the world that can keep us alive. We may not care about dying, we live with death everywhere we go, but the web would never let the Spider get hurt, no matter how the Spider lives."

My eyes widened at his speech and the air around him as he spoke. They look in his grey eyes. The way his words were able to sway my mind so easily. This man was a true leader. His grey eyes penetrated my gold ones and suddenly I felt like I wanted this. I needed this. Everything he said.

I grinned at him which caused him to look shocked for the 3rd time that night.

"I'll be Your web Chrollo. I'll protect the Spider no matter what. Even if you guys go out to try and die, I'll be there to keep you alive. However. In return, I want you to teach me how to protect my Spider. I can't do it on my abilities alone. I need to be able to fight for my Spider, not just keep it alive." For some reason my heart was beating fast. I felt like I could do anything right now. I felt...


All thoughts of finding a way to get away from him no longer existed.

His wide eyes closed for a moment. When he opened them again they seemed to have a gleam in them that caused me to feel fear and anticipation all at the same time.

"I'll teach you for the next two weeks. After that we'll be going to war with someone and it will be your job to keep your Spider alive. I'll teach you Nen and then we can see what kind of new abilities you can come up with. I'll teach you close range combat as well so you can defend yourself."

"You're agreeing?" I asked slightly shocked. I hadn't actually expected him to agree. He chuckled once closing his eyes again.

"Who am I to refuse a request from our web? If you're willing to go that far for us then I'll go to any length for you as well. However." He opened his eyes again with a dangerous gleam this time. I gulped.

"I won't go easy in you. I'll expect you to learn everything within the time I'm going to grant you." I nodded once.

"Fine. Then I'll expect you to not hold out and to teach me everything I want to learn." He smiled at me. I smiled at him.

"Very well Ryuk. Shall we go aquire a new base then?" He asked me standing up and holding his hand out to me. I gulped and without anymore hesitation, took it.

"Your training starts now. If you can't handle what is about to happen then you'll never be able to complete it." His words worried me as we walked.

"Excuse me. You can't just leave s-." My eyes widened as the man fell to the ground with a pen in his temple. I hadn't even scene Chrollo move yet. I felt him watching me as a waitress came around and saw what happened. Chrollo let my hand go and grabbed her.

"Kill her Ryuk. I told you I wouldn't make it easy for you. Your compassion is easily what makes you human. You can't be a human and a Spider Web at the same time." He told me as the waitress screamed and pleaded from under his hand. Was I really okay with this? I closed my eyes. I drowned out the screaming.

No one was around us. She was just unlucky to have come around the corner, but from what I could tell, these were the only two working on the floor tonight. Was it really the right thing to do? But I couldn't let my own weaknesses stop me. It wasn't just my life anymore. Now I held 13 other lives in my hands...web.

Chrollo POV:

I watched her eyes closed. Was she really going to do this. 3 weeks ago when I first met her, she wouldn't even let some stranger die by another strangers hands. Now she stood there thinking about killing this girl. By her own hands. There was something in her eyes when she broke free of my oens all that time ago that I haven't been able to stop thinking about. There was a fire in her eyes that was unmistakable.

And the fire in her eyes tonight was even stronger. She needed someone to protect. So I'll give her 13 people who's lives are in her hands. Suddenly she opened her eyes. My breath caught at the seriousness in her gaze. Amazing concentration. I was thoroughly impressed.

The fire in her eyes. This girl could be dangerous. Perhaps that's why I was asking this of her. Her drive, the look in her eyes and face that reminded me of more animal than human when one of her emotions got too high. It wasn't like anything I've ever seen another person have besides the people in my Troupe.

She walked away to the counter the the man had been standing behind and grabbed something off of it. She truly knew what it was to be like us. She was more like us then she realized. That's why I wanted her to be our Web. People think they don't have alot but in reality they have more than they think. This girl had nothing. She was nothing.

But now... She rushed forward and stuck the letter opener into the woman's chest. The girl screamed into my hand but soon fell to the floor on top of the man dead. I looked at Ryuk. She was watching me.

Now she is something. She's our Web. She's an important part of our Troupe. Now was is something irreplaceable with everything she could possibly need.


Thank you for reading :) don't forget to vote and comment. Instead of just posting them all at the same time I'm gonna do two a day. That should get them done faster then one every 2-3 days yeah?

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