Chapter Four

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                             thoughts, my life, everything has been so confusing. It's like my almost perfect, but still shitty life, is taking a plunder.
Oh, how I wish this hadn't happened. Maybe if Carter hadn't been so fucking blind-sided and stayed on his side of the road, this would never of happened.
"This is your fault." I muttered cooly, glaring towards Carter with anger in my eyes. My sudden mood-swings had to be a side-effect if dying. It had to be.
Carter gave me a surprised look, though behind that fake emotion, he knew it was. "It's your fault you couldn't stay on YOUR side of the road." I went on to hiss.
Carter jumped to his defenses, "Well maybe your car shouldn't of hit mine!" He snapped, but his expression went to a vague scowl when he realized how ridiculous he made himself sound.

Oh. How his face darkened when he realized how childish he sounded. I wish I had a camera, but you know, being a ghost and all. I think you can imagine how that would've turned out. Oh no. Floating camera. Kill it with a bat.

"Listen, Riley." Carter pulled my attention to him, my lips at a thin line. "I'm sorry this happened, you didn't deserve this."

   I didn't bother answering for a moment, I felt like keeping him in a nervous tension. I could tell he was growing anxious at my delayed response, which made me laugh inside.
   "Riley." Carter pleaded blankly, "Please answer."

   I suddenly remembered our second date. Somewhere along the lines, he said the exact same thing.

  "Babe, you'll be fine." Carter reassured, leading Riley into the lively bar. His grip was tight, as if he were afraid she'd slip away. As if.
   Riley appeared just as frightened, eyeing the wild and drunk teenagers as the fidgeted, danced, and partied around her. Had they no respect or dignity, she wondered.
   Many girls were barely dressed, revealing skin, lots of skin. It made her sick to her stomach, how they could be so disrespectful to their bodies.

   If that wasn't bad enough, she felt the hand of a stranger lightly tickled across her covered back. "Hey baby. Wanna dance?"
   His breath was edged with the smell of alcohol, his eyes wide with a perverted smirk.

Carter had already taken it upon himself to cuss off the deranged offender, pulling Riley closer to his side. Something about Carter's familiar smell gave Riley quite the ounce of reassurance.
"I'll go get us some beers." Carter offered after a moment, before Riley caught him by the arm.

"I don't drink, Carter." She told him softly, her expression explaining the statement. "But I would love a glass of water, please."
Carter's eyes softened, and he gently pecked her forehead, "Anything for you." He remarked, before dispersing into the crowd.

Riley anxiously watched as her partner vanished into the ocean of sweating bodies. A lot of these girls seemed whorish, drunken and...desperate. Carter could be quite wanting, at times. Which worried her at the slightest.
  It wasn't her fault she had fallen for a total sex-icon; Carter chose her, after all. Quite honestly, Carter could have any girl he wanted. Riley turned to skim the crowded space, hoping to spot Carter on his way back.

  Carter himself, was tipping in the bartender, his curls brushing his forehead as he grinned. He hated that he was so attracted to girls other than Riley, but at times he couldn't help it.
  "My names Mick." Her soft, yet raspy voice was like wind before a storm; It made him shiver with pleasure.
  "Mick, nice to meet you. The names Carter." Carter knew that alcohol was to blame for his behavior, but all his willpower to stop was flattened by desire.  
   His eyes scanned over her body, scoping her chest lightly with a dumbfounded grin. She wasn't small like his Riley, that was sure.
   Mick deviously smiled, reaching to gently take his sweating hand, "Need a little help?" She purred, her dark eyes lit with seduction.
    Before Carter could protest, he felt the softness of her clothed breast beneath his palm, his eyes stretched wide for a heartbeat.

   "Do you like the way I feel?" Mick continued softly, pulling herself to sit atop of the counter. Her long, slim legs crossed, her inner thighs revealed as her rather short skirt hiked up.

   "Carter?" Carter knew that voice all to well, turning to see a wide-eyed, blank faced Riley. "R-Riles. I can explain." Carter stumbled over his words, but before he was able to sputter out a probably poor explanation, Riley was gone.

   "Thanks a lot." Carter glared dangerously at Mick, pushing her away before scrambling after his retreating lover. "Riley! I can explain!" He desperately called, catching up.

   "Then explain, Carter. Explain why your hands were on her." Riley turned, her eyes red and puffy, tears threatening to be spilled.
   This was enough to break Carter's heart, his expression flashing. "She must've put something in my drink. Riley! She is a seductress!" He spilled quickly, gently grabbing Riley's face in his hands.

   "I would never do that to you!"

   Riley was silent, her eyes staring blankly at him. "Riley...Please answer..."

   I did, however, believe him. But Carter needed to know how much that hurt me. Him touching someone who wasn't me. He had no idea how insecure that had left me.

  "Carter...." Riley finally spoke, her voice quiet and strained. She gently removed his hands, pecking his cheek before turning and vanishing into the dusk.
    She could hear Carter's arms dropping to his sides, hear as he choked out her name quietly, hoping she would hear him.

    "Riles?" The nicknamed echoed in her ears, but Riley never looked back. She would leave him in a state of confusion, and desperation, until he understood what it was like.

   I admit, I felt bad. But I think he learned his lesson. Or at least, I think he had.

  "Please answer." Carter repeated again, reaching for my hand. I shivered, turning to look at him finally.

"Why were you on the wrong side of the road?"

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