Chapter Three

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The sound of the girls sobs filled the room. She hadn't left my body's side since the doctors said she was allowed in, which warmed my heart slightly.

That was Mikaela. Between her and Carter, they were two very important people in my life. I can't forget about my dad, and my brother, though.

"So! how did your date go!?' Mikaela asked excitedly from her bed, giving Riley wide eyes. Full of interest.

Riley blushed from her spiny chair, tapping her fingers against the plastic arm. "It was pretty good." Riley laughed a little nervously.

No. It was magical. I just didn't tell Mikaela that. Of course...She knew me better then that. Snap.

Mikaela gasped, bolting to her feet with a wide shit-eating grin. "Riley Nicole Woods! I know you better than that!"

She used my middle name against me? Oh damn. I must be in big trouble.

Riley could barely hide the blush that started to attack her cheeks. "F-fine." She groaned, holding her head.

"The date was...perfect." Riley recalled it with a sigh, almost forgetting about her fidgety, nosy best friend in front of her.

Mikaela gripped her shoulders with a tight grasp, forcing a squeak from Riley, "More details! All of them! Spill!"

Riley sighed from embarrassment, leaning back in her chair. "Well..." She recalled the Lacrosse playing, the song, the ice cream. The kiss.

That kiss...That kiss. The feeling of oh so soft lips against mine. I relished in the thought, of course, as usual I tried to forget about it.

"You two kissed?!" Mikaela squealed with joy, leaping to her feet. "Riley has a boyfriend! Riley has a boyfriend! Riley has a- oof!"

A quite laugh escaped Riley's lips, watching her friend dramatically stumbled back from impact of a pillow. "Yes...Riley has a boyfriend."

That word had felt so foreign to my tongue, yet felt so familiar and warm. Boyfriend. I wonder if Carter had the same feeling when he said; Girlfriend.

"Riley..." I was pulled from the flashback, the warmth and familiarity of Mikaela's room gone in an instance.

I blamed Carter for pulling me out of it; but I was also grateful. "What?" I rasped after a moment, my half-closed eyes peering at him.

"Have you been thinking about it? About staying? Or going?"

I sighed, not wanting to hear it. "Carter..please..Not now."

"No, Riley." Carter shook his head, eyeing me. "There is no 'not now' at this point, Riley. We have to decide."

I already knew his choice; I knew mine. I would stay for my family. He would stay for his stupid music career.

"I already made my choice, Carter." I mumbled softly, my head leaning back. "I made it the minute I woke up."

But choices can change. I have a feeling they will.

"What is it?" Carter looked at me, softly. That was the same way he looked at me when he sang to me.

I could almost feel tears coming to my eyes, and I looked away with a simple shake of my head.

"Why do you want to know, Carter?" I spoke quietly, staring at my motionless figure.

"Because I love you."

Those three words...

"Love, Carter?" I answered softly, bitterly.

"Do you mean love or lust?" I turned to finally glare at him, but he was gone. Good. I didn't want him to answer.

I already knew his answer. It would've been a lie. A stupid lie. I was almost ready to doze when a heart monitor began beeping.

I heard a cry, nurses rushing. What was going on?!

I slipped my way, catching sight of a small, young child. The were motionless in the arms of a mother, I saw a lady holding onto her limp hand.

I heard the nurses bark at them. To get out, to leave.

Was God taking this child away..?! No!

'No!' I cried out, my wide-stretched eyes looking at the monitor, as it slowly flatlined into oblivion.

I stumbled back into the arms of Carter, tears streaming down my pale cheeks. Why did things so cruel happen to the innocent..?

"Carter..." I whispered, "I don't know what I want..."

Authors Note: Sorry it's so short! ^_^' It was late. But this was written by Jay, add on by Ticci.

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