Chapter One

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Things weren't always so dramatic in my life. For example, meeting Carter was pretty simple. If by simple you mean totally embarrassing. But I guess it wasn't that bad. It could've been worse, I guess.

"Uhh, excuse me?" Carter's voice sounded from closer than Riley expected.

"Huh?" Riley's eyes wandered slightly, a frown on her face as she attempted to find the source. She recognized the voice slightly.

"You should pay more attention to whose hand you grab." Carter said, and suddenly he was in front of her. Riley gulped a little in surprise, not sure how to reply at first. She wasn't aware she was holding his hand.

"I-I what?" she stuttered as she looked up at him. Carter gave a slightly frustrated sigh.

"You took my hand. And didn't let go. For no reason. I don't think you noticed either, because you weren't paying any attention." Carter raised a brow at her.

Riley felt so embarrassed. She'd thought it was a friend of hers, someone she knew. She hadn't realized it was Carter.

Her face went so red a firetruck wouldn't be able to compete with the redness on her face.

Okay, I guess it couldn't have been that much worse.... It was so embarrassing. I don't think there was any other time in my life that I ever blushed that hard. I bet he still thinks it was funny...

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... I thought you-" Riley started nervously, hiding her face from view.

"Were someone else? Heard that one a million times. Except I don't think you're lying about it, are you?"

Carter took his hand away from her, his eyes narrowed at her. "But, you're cute. I guess I could cut you some slack." He shrugged a little.

"Thank you...?" Riley said quietly, not entirely sure how to feel about this situation.

"Sure. What're you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be at practice or something? You play lacrosse, don't you?"

Carter crossed his arms over his chest lazily, watching her. Riley's eyes widened.

See, the sucky thing about boys is they complete screw up your thought process. I forgot I was supposed to be in practice when I bumped into Carter, and by that point I was already ten minutes late. I was already ready and everything too, I'd just stopped to say hello to a friend.... Who turned out to not be a friend but some cute random boy. Yup. Stupid boys.

"I'm so late! They're going to kill me!" Riley bit her lip, frowning.

"Hey, hey, calm down." Carter said, trying to keep her quiet. "Shh. I know. You could always skip practice.... I could use some company. Besides, you do kind of owe me for just randomly grabbing my hand like that."

He raised a brow at her and it was impossible for Riley to answer him immediately. She wasn't really sure how to answer.

"I-I... You're... I don't even know you..." Riley looked away, feeling a little nervous of this situation.

"That's the point of coming with me. So we can get to know each other." Carter said with a little laugh.

"What? It's not like I'm taking you home to try and get you to have sex with me. I'm talking about doing something friendly. Like, I don't know, getting something to eat or something?"

I should've walked away. I shouldn't have even heard him out this far... But at the same time I feel like... It was a gift and a curse to have met Carter. But the part of me that says it's a gift is slowly growing.

"I..." Riley considered this for a moment, glancing in the direction of where lacrosse practice was being held. Missing one practice couldn't hurt.... Besides, she could always say she was sick. "I guess... I'll come with you."

Riley adjusted the bag that was on her shoulder nervously.

"Cool. Let's go then." Carter led her off gently by the arm.

  Riley gulped a little. She had a feeling this wasn't just going to be an evening out with him. No. She had a feeling she'd be seeing him more often. She had the sinking feeling that he would ruin her whole world.

You see, that's how I met Carter. I'll save how our first date went for another time. To be..completely honest with you, our first date was probably the greatest thing I experienced. Of course, our relationship on the other hand- You know. I'd rather not remember that. Not yet.

I suddenly awoke, my vision was blurry at the first moment the light crease across my face. I saw the sky, dark grey with the promise of rain.

I heard the sirens surrounding me, but I wasn't ready to see what I did. "Help!" I gave a cry, but no one heard me.

I waved my arms, having made my way to stand.

The unthinkable happened. I thought I had caught the attention of a paramedic, but they rushed, right through me. Through me. How does that kind of crazy shit happen!

That's only in movies! Of course, my curiosity was much stronger then my will, and I followed close after the paramedic.

My breath caught in my throat, I felt like a bullet hit me in the chest. That was me. That was me on the ground!

What was going on! What was happening! Dad! Dad! Help!

At that time, I remember feeling Carter's presence. But I didn't notice him right away. I was honestly to busy overthinking the current situation.

"They can't see me..they can't hear me.." I whispered, feeling a chill run down my spine.

"That's because we are between the Afterlife and the real world, Riley."

That was Carter's voice. He sounded sympathetic, his own eyes on his own battered body.

Huh. He happened to have less injuries. But nonetheless, I'm sure we were both screwed over.

I couldn't help but feel sick, I know I still loved him. He had grabbed my hand again, I expected a cold feeling. But I felt nothing.

"Riley. We should follow them." He speculated quietly, to which I silently agreed to. In a way he was right.

I saw this before. I read this in a book. I saw this in a movie. I couldn't name the book at the moment, but I know my friends compared me and Carter to the two main characters, Adam and Mia quite often.

I agreed, partially. But now this was just creepy shit.

It's like we are Adam and Mia. Only I didn't play Cello.

If I Stay...That's the book. Of course, my current state, I seemed to be unable to speak. Come on, Riley! Speak up!

Authors Note: :D So this chapter was written by Daenerys_Stormborn , I added in the Ending, ^_^ Enjoy!

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