Chapter 1: Isabelle

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It all started a few months ago when I was hanging out with my twin sister and babysitting my younger sister, because our dad was at work and our mom was at an interview and we were playing on our 3DS's that we got for our birthday and someone knocked on the door. It was my best friend Carly Howard and she was freaking out about some "wolf sighting". "Slow down Carly," I said, "and start from the beginning of the story". "Just turn on the news." Carly said, "Oh and Cecily can you go in the other room for a minute?"

"Why do I have to?"

"Because I need to show Izzy and Anna, just them."

"Okay fine, whatever."

She reached for her tablet she got for her birthday and her other things she had in the living room and went upstairs and closed her bedroom door. After we heard her door close I changed the channel to the news and watched in silence.

Later, as I was lying in bed I heard a low growl coming from outside. Probably just a wolf, I thought, but I was wrong. I heard it in the morning and that was weird because I noticed no one else heard it except me... And then I realized they did hear it but, they were ignoring it as soon as I realized that I tried to call Carly and she didn't pick up.

When I realized she had been texting me I answered the texts but she didn't text me back and so that worried me but I realized that she went to church and so I waited until after church and I asked her if she heard anything else about the sighting. She said she did see something about it and to come right over so I did and when I got there I knocked on the door about five times before her mother answered the door and I asked if Carly was there and she had said that Carly was upstairs in her room and I asked, "May I come in?" and she let me in. I walked upstairs and knocked on her door and she opened it and let me in and when I walked in I saw my friend Mary sitting on the chair and a few other people I know from school and old friends I've known for years and I was so happy to see my friends and almost ran up and hugged every one of them but I saw the look on their faces and knew to stay there and I walked over and sat on the floor and didn't say a word.

When I sat down Carly closed the door and turned on the news, "Ok, there was an attack at the old storm drain behind Colby park and five people were dead and eight people were seriously injured. The eight people were sent to the hospital and the next morning they were missing and the police are getting search parties together to look for those people" -Ok this was getting really weird and I was thinking about leaving when she started talking again- "and I was thinking that we could put our own search party together of supernatural creatures and we have exactly that."

I was so confused because none of this made sense. Supernatural creatures? I didn't believe in vampires, werewolves, banshees, or anything from Teen Wolf or Supernatural or other shows about evil creatures. The only thing I believed in were aliens.

"What do you mean Carly? You're not making any sense at all. What do you mean by 'that's exactly what we have?'" I said so confused I couldn't even think straight.

"Izzy calm down and let us show you." She said an eerie calmness in her voice. Then everyone's faces started to morph and change some people had scales on their faces and others had fangs or large elongated canines. Others didn't change at all.

"Ummm- Carly what's going on? Please tell me!!" I said choking back a sob as I looked to my friend I realized she was normal. "You are a hunter, that means that you hunt evil supernatural creatures or demons." She seemed unaware of the changes of our friends. I thought about it for a moment a relaxed when I realized that my friends had control over their powers. "So you're telling me that I'm not a creature of any sort? Wait I'm still-" I stopped talking for a moment and realized that if I was a hunter was Annabelle one, too? We could be like teenage girl versions of Sam and Dean Winchester - if she was a hunter- then I asked, "Wait, if I am a hunter is my sister Annabelle a hunter, too?"

"Yes Anna is a hunter also but we all have to tell her it can't be just you." she said, dead serious.

"Why can't it be just me telling Anna? I mean it wouldn't hurt if it was just me telling her."

"Because if it was just you she wouldn't believe you would she?"

I thought about this for a moment a realized knowing her that she really wouldn't believe me she would laugh in my face or think I was going insane and take me to an insane asylum and sign me up almost immediately.

I sighed, " You're right she wouldn't believe me." So I guess that the next person that would find out they were a hunter was my twin sister.

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