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As I oiled my hair, I heard a knock at the door. 5:47 pm read the clock. I wasn't expecting anybody. And Jacob never got home till nine. Neither did he ever knock.

"Coming" I called as I made my way to the living room. "Who's there?" I asked, my hand on the door knob.


I couldn't believe my ears. I opened the door and sure enough, Eve stood there, teeth chattering, with a red roller bag in her right hand. I pulled her into the house and we embraced.

"I've missed you Eve" I said.

"Me too."

I offered her a seat then brought her bag in and shut the door. I then sat opposite her on a plastic seat and examined her. She looked pretty much the same. She giggled as I stared at her.

"What?" I asked.

"So, you're just gonna stare at me all day?" she replied.

"Oh, sorry... Em, may I get you something to drink; perhaps some coffee to warm you up..."

"Sure; I'd like that" she said taking off her winter coat.

As I walked to the kitchen I remembered that there weren't any cooking appliances. Most, if not all our food, came from the restaurant. So Jacob hadn't seen it necessary to buy any cooking appliances. We didn't even have cups, nor plates. I was wondering whether I ought to be upset at Jacob, or worried about Eve when I saw a cup on top of a box on the kitchen table.

In the box, was an electric kettle. How convenient I thought. I also found a teaspoon, a little sugar and some coffee in the cupboard. Jacob must have planned all this. He really was thoughtful.

"Need some help?" Eve called. She stood at the doorway.

"Nah, I'm good. Maybe just some company" I replied.

She smiled. "Okay, but first; I really need to go..."

"Go where?" I asked confused. She rolled her eyes at me. I stared back blankly. She pressed her knees together like a five year old about to pee on herself. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, why didn't you say so? The... second door to the left" I told her.

I had the coffee ready briefly after she had return from the loo. "Thanks" she said as I handed it to her. She took a sip then said "this is really good for someone who has never made coffee before."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"You're sure you don't want some?" she asked.

"I didn't say that. But yes, I'm good" I said. She stared at me doubtfully. "Okay, to be honest; Jacob bought only a single cup" I explained and we laughed out loud.

We then caught up on each other's lives. She told me about Gabriel and how they'd fallen in love. She told me about the mansion and she was surprised when I asked if Paulo was alright.

"He's fine, just returned to Brazil for Christmas. You know what; I had no idea he was your type..." she joked. I slapped her on her shoulder and we laughed.

I also asked about Antonio. Eve explained to me that he had been furious at first, but now he was just sorrowful and miserable. She told me how he really was a good man after all. I felt really bad; he didn't really deserve what I did to him.

After Eve was done, it was my turn. I told her how things between Jacob and I hadn't worked out as I had hoped. I told her about his brotherly love. I explained to her that I had decided to compromise and accept just his friendship for the time being as I figured out how I would win his un-brotherly love.

But I couldn't help but feel jealous when Eve told me she had called him instead of me. "Why didn't you call me?" I asked her.

"I did, but you didn't pick" she explained. This was true. I hadn't answered my phone in a long time. But I still felt insecure; "how did you even get his number, did he give it to you?"

"Gabriel gave it to me."

"Why didn't you let Gabriel call him?"

"Cause Gabriel wasn't the one coming to Francis city..."

"Really, then why..."

"Sarah stop!" she interrupted. "What is wrong with you? Listen, I ain't gonna take your boyfriend. I have Gabriel."

I felt really embarrassed. "I'm sorry" I said a heavy lump forming in my throat. "I just got... I just got... carried away."

She hugged me and I instantly felt better. I was really grateful I had a friend like her.

"So... where you heading?" I asked wiping away a tear that had escaped.

"I'm on my way to Kalvinstate. I'm gonna spend Christmas there with my Aunt."

"So are you leaving tonight?"

"No, early in the morning. Actually I was hoping I could spend the night here with you guys. Jacob said it was okay as long as you didn't have a problem with it."

"Jacob said it was okay?" I asked.


"Then why the fuck did he bother telling you to ask me?!"


"You two already decided without me so I might as well leave so you may have the house to yourselves!"

"Sarah no..."

"You want my permission? Well I'll tell you what! You can as well sleep on the street cause this house isn't big enough for both of us!"

She was shocked. She quickly picked her bag and made for the door. She stopped at the door then looked back at me and said; "You know what? I don't even know.... just forget it. I'll sleep in a hotel."

And just like that I lost my best friend. Thanks to my foolish insecurity and jealousy, I had lost her forever. I rushed after her but it was too late, she was gone. I tried to call her but she wouldn't answer.

I returned to my room and looked at myself in a mirror. "You're a monster" I told my reflection. I fell on my bed and cried. And for the first time ever, I wished I never loved Jacob.


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