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Everyone one keeps secrets. Everyone has something to hide. Whether naughty or nice, at one point we all do. Some do it to protect the people they love, some do it because they believe their truths would shame them if they were ever exposed.

My little brother James had a secret of his own; I had found out the day I returned from my second visit to the cottage by the river.

When I got home that day, I entered the house through the back door and headed straight to my room. I couldn't afford to be seen with my face so messed up. I had walked into my room to find, on my bed, my little brother James making out with Timmy; his best friend. I felt broken; my little brother? why?

"What the fuck are you doing!?" I demanded startling them to their senses. They stared at me in shame. "Get out!" I ordered at the younger boy. He scrambled to his feet and dashed out the room. I looked at my little brother still in disbelief.

I heard a knock on the door. "James what's going on in there?" my mother asked.

"Nothing" James replied.

"What happened to Timmy? Why did he run out like that? He always says bye..."

"He was wrecking up Jacob's stuff so I got angry and told him to leave" he said calmly. God my brother was such a perfect lier!

"I thought I heard Jacob in there" my mother said still in doubt.

James looked at me questioningly. I shook my head. "He is, he's standing behind the door."

What!? My little brother had just betrayed me. My mother came into the room and saw me.

"Jacob, why are you hiding behind the... what the hell happened to your face!?" she demanded finally registering my swollen cheek.

I looked at my little brother. He was giggling. "Mum, James isn't telling the truth. He..."

"What do you mean he's not telling the truth!? I can see you right behind the door. And I demand to know what happened to your face Jacob Stewart!" she roared angrily. She never called me by my full name unless she was terribly upset. So I gave up trying to get James in trouble.

She pulled me by the ear all the way to the bathroom. I told her I had gotten the bruise from falling on my face. She gave me a long painful lecture as she treated the bruise. And finally, she grounded me for the whole weekend.

I walked into my bedroom (which I shared with my little brother) and locked the door behind me. James was sitted on the bed playing with his junior laptop. The little devil looked so adorable. I walked up to him, stood infront of him, and slammed the laptop shut. "You are gonna pay" I whispered in his ear.

"Mum!" he called. I didn't want anymore trouble with my mother.

"Okay, okay. I'll leave you alone, just don't call mum." I told him. He opened his laptop and continued playing.

Well I couldn't get back at him by violence. He'd tell mum then I'd be grounded for a month. I looked at him. How was I gonna get back at him? Then I remembered what I'd seen him do with the younger boy earlier. I walked up to him again and bent over so that I was face to face with him; "You know what lil bro, I'm gonna tell. I'm gonna tell dad just what I saw you do with your little boyfriend..." I told him.

"No you won't" he said calmly.

What!? Did he think I was bluffing. "Watch me" I said and began to make for the door.

"I know" he simply said.

I stopped in my tracks. "What do you know?" I asked.

He closed his laptop and stood up. He walked to me and said "I know about the cottage. I know you lied to mum about falling cause I saw a big muscular man nock you out. And I know you won't tell dad cause you wouldn't want him finding out you received a hundred dollars from a strager."

And so this is how James had blackmailed me. I'd keep his secret and he'd keep mine. It had now been a full week since our mutual agreement as he would call it. It was Friday once again. And it was also my first day on my new job.

The week had been tough. I had missed school on Monday and Tuesday because I simply refused to go with my face still bruised. I had also missed soccer practice and the coach had kicked me of the team despite having explained to him my circumstance. And of course I had been very anxious to return to the mansion in the woods. So when the final bell sounded at school, I hurriedly stuffed my books into my bag.

I was very careful this time on my way through the woods to make sure I wasn't being followed. I arrived at the cottage when Paulo was building what appeared to be a dog house. Boy was it ugly! This man had no taste, no class, no style whatsoever as opposed to his gentleman boss, Antonio.

"Hello" I said trying to be polite. But he just ignored me. I continued on my way across the bridge to the mansion. When I got there, I saw a man that I instantly recorgnised. It was Adam Oketch, Sarah's father. And he was having what appeared to be a warm conversation with Antonio. I hid behind a bush and was able to catch the last words of their conversation:

"So did you work things out with your wife?" Antonio asked.

"No, she wants to leave me now. She discovered my gambling problem. I think I'm better off without her anyway" Adam replied.

"Are you sure about that Adam?"

"Yeah. Women are never satisfied. Even after I bought her that big house in Olkvile estate, she's still on my case. She just won't let me be. And how is Sarah?"

"Oh she's good. She's actually just left. I believe she has gone to pay you and your wife a visit. She doesn't yet know that you moved. We are getting along quite well now."

"That's great Antonio.... Well I'll be on my way now. See you on Monday." Adam said and they shook hands before Adam departed.

Had I heard right? Was Sarah actually here at this mansion? I just couldn't believe it. It could've been any Sarah.... not necessarily Sarah Oketch.

Antonio received me warmly and showed me what my day's task would be. I finished it very quickly because I needed to find out who this Sarah could be. I asked the workers and house helps, but non of them seemed to know who I was talking about, except for one...

Her name was Eve, she looked just about the same age as Sarah. She told me; "Sarah is Antonio's wife. She is a beautiful black girl from Freywood and she is my best friend."

"No, Sarah is my best friend" I said clumsily.

"What? Do you know Sarah?" she asked confused.

"No, I'm sorry... I was thinking of someone else. Thank you, that's all I needed to know." I dismissed her.

She shot me a suspicious look then carried on with her work. I now knew all I needed to know and there were no doubts left in my head. Sarah lived here in this mansion with her husband; Antonio. And soon I would meet her once again. Soon, I would know the truth, the whole truth...

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