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In life, a time will always come when you have to say goodbye. Sometimes it's because your moving away, other times because somebody has passed on. Or it could be because your father sold you off to a stranger for five hundred thousand dollars.

The latter is what happened to me. But I never got the chance to say goodbye. One moment I was dining with my family, the next thing I knew I was waking up in this huge queen bed, in a huge perfect bedroom. I thought I was dreaming. Everything in this room spoke of money, something I hadn't seen much of in my life.

My immediate emotion had been joy. I had miraculously escaped poverty. But disbelief and confusion had slowly creeped in. I knew that everything good came with a price. And so I needed answers.

When Antonio had finally explained to me that my father had married me off behind my back, I wasn't at all suprised. I had seen this coming; my father hated me. I believe because he doubted I was his daughter, or maybe because I had on numerous occasions survived his attempts to sexually abuse me. I too had actually begun to doubt his fatherhood.

But nonetheless, I was really hurt. Even if he was the monster he was, how could he do this to me. He could have at least given me the chance to say goodbye to the people who loved me; my mother, my friends and the people I loved.... like Jacob. It was a bit strange though, how the marriage ceremony had been performed so fast. Something was definitely a miss...

When Antonio had first broken the news to me, I had been strong. I hadn't shown any sad emotions. I needed him to believe I was okay with everything, so he would lower his guard and avail me with an opportunity to escape. I hadn't even cried, well, until I realised he had married me purely out of lust. "Have you ever had sex before?" he had asked. I had actually needed to cry, and after I did, I had felt much better.

I still had doubts about the whole marriage thing. And I confirmed I was right on one hot humid night. That night Antonio had walked in on me masturbating. I had felt so embarrassed and scattered to the bathroom and shut myself in. I had waited for him to knock on the door, but he hadn't. In truth I had wanted him to come in and do something. I was a teenager and my hormones had me so horny that night.

And so, driven by lust, I had followed him, butt naked, to his room. And that's when I had overheard him talking to my father on phone. That's when I had learned that he bought me for five hundred thousand dollars from my father. God I was simply a slut! And look at me, naked at his bedroom door; I was acting just like one.

It had been too much for me, and so I had escaped. I took the smartphone which he had bought me, plus a few clothes and a little money I had collected. The night guard had been easy to go by and for the first time since I'd arrived at the mansion I tasted freedom.

But my freedom was short lived for a foul breathed man, who I later learned was Paulo, captured me and returned me back to the mansion, to that Bustard Antonio.

Antonio had been furious when I returned, but he did not direct his anger towards me. His guards and maids were the recipients of his fury; which I thought was a bit unfair. But what did I care? And so after I returned I had been closely monitored like a dangerous convict. He even had Eve escort me to the lavatory.

I in turn had been very grouchy. I would snap at anyone and everyone. But I was more miserable than anything. I would cry day in day out. I even tried to commit suicide once, after which all dangerous objects like blades and knifes were kept out of my reach...

All this had gone on until five days ago, when Antonio asked me to go with him to see the house in Freywood. I had rejected the offer, but it had lifted my spirits. Going to Freywood to me meant a new beginning. My attitude towards the house staff had changed. I'd become polite to them, and I was cheerful. They no longer watched me nor followed me about like a convict. I even found it in me to apologise to the night guard I'd knocked out the night I escaped.

I had made friends among the staff. And now I had to say goodbye to them. Once again I was going to lose my friends. But I wasn't ready to lose Eve; I had grown exceptionally close to her.

"Antonio, please let Eve come along with us to Freywood..." I said zipping up my suitcase.

"No Sarah. The staff have to remain behind to take of the house..." he said for the thousandth time.

"Antonio please... Only Eve..." I begged.

He held my cheek, looked me in the eyes then asked,"you know I love you right?" I nodded anxiously. "Alright, she can come."

I hugged him and thanked him then rushed to tell Eve to get ready.


I said goodbye to the house staff, one by one, then the guards, and last but not least; my bathroom in my bedroom. It had been my place of refuge for the past four months and I was gonna miss it. I looked around my room to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything. The bags were already in the car. I locked the room and made my way downstairs and out to the car. It was scortching hot outside.

I sat in the back with Eve. Antonio sat infront with Paulo, who was gonna drive. "Everyone ready?" he asked and we all nodded. He started the car and off we went.

As we passed by the gate, the guard said, "At least you haven't knocked me out with a pan this time" and we all burst into laughter... I waved goodbye to him and the staff, and the magnificent mansion.

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