The Foretold- Chapters 16-18

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SOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry about the long wait! so, i gave you THREE chapters to make up for it....? Te he. there will MOST LIKELY be a Damaged heart update tommorow... so yeah. Enjoy!

Chapter Sixteen

Melody brushed herself off on walked over to me. I easily shifted and stood up. “Thanks for, uh, saving me in the cave.” She whispered.

            “It’s ok, don’t worry about it. Besides I didn’t really do much, I just cushioned your fall.” I cracked a smile through my pain.

She laughed. “Thanks for that, too,” She walked off to help the rest of the pack.

            “Elizabeth, we’re going to have to move,” Aaron said, behind me.

I sighed. “I know, but how are we going to get the others to move, this is all they’ve ever known, and the pups…it’s going to be hard.”

            “Yeah, it is, but as The Foretold you have to learn leadership skills, this will be a good test,” he murmured thoughtfully. “But you’ll have to fight through the pain,”

            “A test?!” I screeched so loud everyone stopped and watched the scene. “A test?! Daniel’s gone, everyone’s hurt, the vamps attacked us, burned our home and you think it’s a good test?! God, you’re freaking insane,”

Melody had a hand over her mouth like she was surprised I had said all that, Alex was trying no to laugh, and Selena look furious I had yelled at Aaron like that. But I just need to let out all that emotion I had hid inside me. I stormed out (really painfully, but I didn’t show it) and went to the lake, it was a place I went when I needed to think, and I really needed to think right now. I climbed up the cliff and stared at the water, watching Polo do his acrobatics. Elizabeth, a voice spoke in my mind, but it wasn’t Daniel’s. I remembered him saying ‘freaks’ could get in each others’ minds so I made a mind wall, but the voice easily broke through. Elizabeth, it said again. Don’t fight me,

Who is this? I ask uncertainly, like I was answering a phone. Ring ring, oh it’s for you; it’s a random voice in your head. Oh, ok, please hold.

You know me.      

I do?

A vision of me and the golden wolf was projected into my mind. Serenity? I ask.

            Yes, it is I,

I took a deep breath. Holy flip, a wolf goddess was in my freaking head.  How did the vampires know I was The Foretold before I did, or even the werewolves?

            They could sense the power within you, before you could sense it yourself. They only reason you had those visions now, not before when you were younger, was because the presence of werewolves triggers it.

            Oh, well, thanks for the heads up.

            I could not speak to you until you had found your true form, otherwise it would have killed you.

            But Daniel talked in my head before and I didn’t die.

Serenity laughed. Yes child, but he is not a goddess, my raw power inside a weak human’s mind would have killed you from the inside out,


            Listen carefully, Elizabeth, this is the only chance I will be able to speak to you, I am losing strength. You need to leave the cave, you are in danger there.

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