Chapter Twenty Three

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Sabretooth would kill me in a blink if he knew that I told an X-Men where our bunker is, even though Rachel is actually harmless. I doubt that she is so cruel that she would tell her team members where our hideout is and blow it off. She would never do this. Especially, now that our two teams must unite again.

Charles Xavier, Magneto's good old friend, has suffered some kind of stroke and is fighting with his life now. Hank has told me everything about it. On the day I left the mansion, Rachel and the others have asked him to find me with Cerebro. Xavier has agreed and used it even if he most likely knew that I destroyed it. He found me but a few hours later he broke down. Hank has barely saved his life and he felt better a few weeks after that. But since a month, he fell in some kind of catatonic state. Jean can still communicate with him telepathically and he keeps on telling her that no one has to fear the future. Hank and Josh have tried all their magic on healing him from this curse but all attempts had no durable effect. A few days ago, Xavier asked for Erik because he feels his mind getting weaker and weaker every day. His last wish is to see his good friend Erik again, just one last time before he passes. Of course, I couldn't say no to an old man's last wish and returned back to the bunker to tell Magneto this story.

Magneto is still standing in front of me with no clear expression on his face. I’ve just told him about the condition of his good old friend and he froze immediately. He even forgot his concerns about me and the reason why my blouse is blood strained within a second. "Transcendence is waiting outside. She will bring you there."
Magneto doesn't react and walks past me towards the exit. I let him pass.
"Come on. You will accompany me." he sends me and I follow him straight.
"Wait! What's happening? Where are you going?" Callisto shouts from the other side of the hallway. "Special mission. We will return soon." I assure her but she only shoots me a sceptical look. "What kind of special mission?"
"None of your business, Callisto. Tell the others that we are gone and don't blow anything up without us."
"Whatever... have fun on your special date." Magneto rolls his eyes. "Pathetic woman." I nod in agreement and accompany him to the hydraulic lift.

The lift brings us up to the abandoned factory which covers the core of our hideout. "Ready?" Rachel asks and Magneto nods. She touches our arms, mine carefully since I am still injured, and teleports us right in front of Xavier's bedroom. Magneto doesn't hesitate, opens the door and enters like it was his bedroom. "Oh Charles... what happened to you, old friend?" I never heard Magneto's voice with so much sadness in it, not even then as he told me about his family.

He fully ignores a highly pregnant Jean and a crying Raven sitting on two armchairs and takes a seat on Xavier's bed, right next to him. "I'm here, Charles.", Magneto whispers and takes Charles’ hand in between his. I have never seen him in such a vulnerable state. "I can help you to communicate with him.", Jean offers.
"No. He can do it himself... all of you... get out."
"No, we're staying." Raven snaps as she sits down on the bed as well.
"Get out, girls.", Magneto warns. Hank, who is suddenly standing next to me, motions to Raven and Jean to get out. Maybe, it's even for the better to let him alone. "Take your time, Erik.", Hank says and closes the door in front of our nose.
"Do you think it's safe to let him alone?", Raven whispers to Hank. He nods and guides her away, putting his arm around her.

"And now?" I ask. Jean and Rachel just stare at me. "You can stay here as long as Magneto is here.  Just don't attack any of us or harm anyone." Jean suggests. Rachel agrees.
"Thank you... and congratulations on your little baby." Jean smiles and nods. She must be far along now.

"Sofia... I guess that you need to solve something." Rachel sends me telepathically as Jean leaves. It only takes me a short glance to see what she actually means. Laura, as grumpy as always, approaches and takes Rachel's hand. "So... don't you two have to say something to each other, hm?" Laura groans. "I'm sorry.", she mutters in an annoyed tone. "Me too." I try to sound more sincere.
"Was that so hard? No. So... now come on, we should spend our time in a more happy way." Rachel guides Laura, whose hand she is holding, and me back to our old room.

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