Chapter Two

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Rachel has left our room after she slept for some more hours in peace, so I can be alone for my concentration training. This is my main priority at the moment since I know that it's the key to control my telepathy. So, what shall I do? Maybe meditation is the right way.

I decide to try the first method that comes to my mind. It seems easy, just sit down and take slow but deep breaths. But following the instructions is not that easy. I still catch up thoughts. It seems like concentrating causes the total opposite of my goal. Instead of blocking the thoughts to enter my mind, concentration causes me to read thoughts of many people at once that are even meters away from me. How much I hate that.

I register three familiar minds coming closer to my room. They belong to the two blond girls from earlier and Jean, one of the teachers. Jean knocks and opens the door.

"Hello Sofia. I hope, you don't mind that you will have to deal with two more room mates.:, she greets. The two girls just give me small smiles.

"No, I don't care.", I answer as friendly as possible.

"Good. So girls... have fun. I am sure that Sofia will introduce you to the rest. If you need me I am downstairs." Both of them thank her and Jean leaves.

"Come in, come in." They enter and I close the door with a small hand move.

"I'm Sofia. Err... welcome to the only mutant school in the world. Enjoy your stay!"

"Thanks. I'm Lena and this is Sorina. We hope we're not bothering you.", the girl with the shorter blonde hair says. They chose their beds and start packing out their things out of their backpacks. I sit on my bed and just watch them. We seem to have one thing in common; we're all shy and definitely not talkative. That's good. We exchange some random looks and smiles but that's all. I try to focus on the opposing wall in front of me to keep their thoughts out of my mind.

After some more silent minutes, I can't believe what's happening. There is pure silence. Either Lena and Sorina are immune to telepaths, they have no brain activity or I am just blocking their thoughts. I smile and keep on staring at the wall. It seems to work.

"So... what is your mutation?", Lena asks, interrupting the calming silence.

"I am an omnilingual telekinetic with telepathic abilities.", I say, still staring at the wall.

"Oh, so we cannot have any secrets around you."

"Nope. Your thoughts aren't save but don't worry, I am not dangerous. Actually, I am nice. The other girl, Rachel, is nice, too. But don't get a heart attack when she suddenly appears out of nothing. She's a teleporter and forgot how to use doors. Feel free to use your powers in here, too... Unless you won't kill any of us."

"Yeah, that might be a problem you know.", Sorina throws in, "My powers are a little dangerous. I will try my best not harm you but don't be mad if it happens.:, she says in a sad voice.

"Ehm... okay... what are your powers?", I ask curiously. Even Lena seems to be confused.

"I can manipulate emotions and I cannot control this ability. I can also fly if I jump high enough but that won't kill you."

"This won't be a problem, I guess.", I assure her and exchange a look with Lena who seems to agree. Sorina smiles. "I hope that the others are as tolerant as like you.", Sorina adds.

"We all are. I smile. And you Lena? What is your power?"

"It's difficult. I can manipulate physical laws when I concentrate."

"Okay... THAT is dangerous."

"It's not. I can only change small unimportant things."

"But it's still impressive."

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