July: Making Moves

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Finding a place was actually easier than we thought, after we figured out our budget, it pretty much narrowed down our choices for us.  Eliminating practically everything we liked, but couldn’t afford.  Packing everything up, and moving in was the hard part.  With Ethan working already, this left me to do most of the packing and unpacking myself.

We found a 1 bedroom apartment right in the middle of town, which was perfect because it was half way between Ethan’s job and campus.  The neighborhood wasn’t the greatest in the world, but it wasn’t the worst either.  And considering our budget it was perfect. 

After unpacking everything that we owned, we looked around the bare apartment, and noticed the large empty room before us.  Realization hit and we needed furniture.  With first and last month’s rent up front, we were headed to the Thrift Store to find some reasonably priced furniture to fill our place with.

After finding some gently used brown leather sofas, and a coffee table, we were good to go.  Knowing we could just pick up other things along the way, little by little. I was determined not to ask our parents for help, unless we absolutely needed it. Our place was starting to come together, and we felt like we were finally starting our lives as one.

We’ve been in the apartment about two weeks, and Ethan was already working a lot.  Before it was to prove himself to the boss, and now it was more for the overtime.  With bills and a wedding to pay for we could use any extra money we could get. 

So for the last three days, I came home to an empty apartment, and felt a little lonely.  On the up side, this left plenty of time for running, which I actually missed.  My body has missed it too, along with that love hate relationship that came along with running. After the attack, I stopped, but with the engagement, and our new apartment, it somehow gave me the confidence I needed to start running alone again. 

Whether I was home or at the dorms, there was always someone around, but since we got our own place, it was different.  It was really quiet, leaving me to be my own worst enemy. I thought about how this would be my life, me alone all the time while Ethan was working, but quickly dismissed the idea.  I know I would also be starting my career in a year and be working late hours as much as Ethan.  So for now, I would just have to manage the quiet.  I thought about the wedding, my final year of school, and finding an internship.  Then in those really quiet moments, I thought of Riley.  I also thought about Derek, and if he was safe.  God, please let him be safe.  I thought of him all the time, and selfishly wondered if he thought of me too. Is that selfish?

I was brought out of my thoughts then there was a knock on the door.  I hesitated for a second before even walking toward it.  Ethan wouldn’t knock since he had a key, and I wasn’t expecting any company.  My stomach made a knot, as I forced my legs over to the door.  Peeking through the peek hole, I noticed Kathy and Brent standing on the other side.  The knot in my stomach suddenly felt at ease, as I removed the chain-lock.

“Hey guys!” I said opening the door to let them in.

“Hey yourself!” Brent said, bending down to give me a quick hug. “Look at you.  You are losing weight. Are you guys eating?” He laughed at his joke.

“Yea, yea.” I mumbled laughing too. “I started running again, so maybe that’s it.”

“Alone?” Concerned was shown in his eyes.

“Yes, don’t worry.  I’m careful!”

Brent nodded and walked past me. Kathy stepped forward giving me a tighter hug, “Hey babe.  You look great, don’t listen to him.”

“Thanks.” Returning her hug and letting her in.

“So, what are you guys doing here?”

“Oh, so now we need a reason to come over? We’re not disturbing anything are we?” Kathy said with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2013 ⏰

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