Chapter 1

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Jericho really hadn't meant to kill this one.

It's surprisingly hard for vampires to avoid the major blood vessels. That's why he always fed in the bathroom, but really he hadn't meant to kill this prep. Blood continued to spray around, and Jericho grabbed some paper towels and pine-o-clean to wipe it up. He didn't have time for this.

Someone knocked at the door.

"Shit!" He whispered angrily as he kicked the body, which just started to spurt more blood. "Shit! Again!"

"Jericho, why is there blood coming out from under the door?" It was Lestatia. He had taken to long and now his posse of goth friends was impatient.

Lestatia opened the door and was immediately drenched by the spurts of blood. She stared at him unphased. "Since when are you a vampire?"

He sighed "about three weeks. It's kind of trippy actually."

"You made a mess."

"Yes, I can see that thank you Lestatia. Now if you wouldn't mind helping me clean it up before everyone finds out I'm a-"

"Yo squad, Jer is a vampire!" Lestatia excitedly yelled depresedly.

"Goffik." Zinnia yelled from the lounge without even looking up from the barbie she was working on. She had a thing for cutting preppy blond hair out of inanimate skulls.

"Praise lord satan!" Modoc hollered.

Alcyone, the last member of the club burst in then. She was not a punctual goth.

"Oh. My. Satan. You won't believe this."

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